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WWE SmackDown live results: The coronation of Nia Jax



WWE SmackDown live results: The coronation of Nia Jax

Nia Jax will be coronated Queen of the Ring on tonight’s SmackDown from Albany, New York.

Jax earned the honor by defeating Lyra Valkyria in the Queen of the Ring tournament finals last weekend. With the victory, Jax is now in line to challenge for the WWE Women’s Championship at SummerSlam. Bayley currently holds the title.

Also set for tonight, The Street Profits (Angelo Dawkins & Montez Ford) will take on the former Guerrillas of Destiny, Tama Tonga & Tonga Loa. This will be the first time the Bloodline’s Tonga & Loa have teamed together in a WWE ring after their years as a duo in Japan.

Andrade will compete in his first SmackDown match since being selected by the brand in the WWE Draft. He’s going one-on-one with Apollo Crews tonight.

Undisputed WWE Champion Cody Rhodes is also expected to make an appearance following his successful title defense against Logan Paul at King & Queen of the Ring. Our live coverage starts at 8 p.m. Eastern time.


– The show opened with a shot of the Bloodline walking backstage. The same was shown for the Street Profits.

– A video recapping last Saturday’s King & Queen of the Ring PLE aired.

Nia Jax’s Queen of the Ring coronation

It really does feel like WWE is doing its best to limit Jax when it comes to promo time, but I wouldn’t mind seeing her given the chance to talk more at this point. We can all probably agree that Jax’s most recent WWE run has been her best and she’s made a marked improvement all around; why not give her the opportunity to get after it on the mic? Either way, this was a little shorter than I thought it would be, but the attack from Niven on Bayley was effective. With Green as Niven’s mouth piece, the build to the inevitable Niven/Bayley title match should be fun.

SmackDown GM Nick Aldis stood in the middle of the ring and said there was no better feeling than when one of your top draft picks comes through in the clutch. From there, Aldis welcomed Nia Jax to the ring. One Jax entered the ring, Aldis said the floor was hers. Jax then put on her crown and took the microphone. The crowd chanted “You suck!” Jax said she wanted everyone to get their facts straight and it was a fact that she was their Queen of the Ring. Jax said as queen, she gets a title shot at SummerSlam. Jax then commanded that Bayley join her in the ring.

Bayley’s music hit and Bayley made her entrance. As Bayley walked down the entrance, Piper Niven and Chelsea Green ran out and attacked Bayley. Or, well, Niven did most of the attacking. The action spilled into the ring and Niven hit a splash on Bayley as Jax looked on, kind of confused. Green told Jax she didn’t have to worry about facing Bayley because by the time SummerSlam comes around, the new WWE Women’s Champion will be Niven. Jax said she didn’t give a damn who the champion will be because Jax will annihilate whomever it is no matter what. Jax’s music hit and Jax left the ring to end the segment.


– Aldis was walking backstage and AJ Styles was waiting for Aldis in Aldis’s office. Styles asked Aldis for some time for him to address his future. Aldis asked Styles if there was something Styles wanted to tell him. Styles said it’s going to be hard enough to do it once, so he’d like to do it in the ring later tonight. The two shook hands.

– Backstage, Bayley was being attended to by a trainer. Naomi walked in and asked Bayley if she could fight tonight. Bayley said she could, so a tag-team match appeared imminent.

Tommaso Ciampa defeated Austin Theory [9:43]

Well, this is sort of fun. #DIY teased a break up and now Waller and Theory appear to have tension. All four guys in both teams could benefit from getting a true singles run, but the question has to be asked: Will WWE simply just start invested in any true tag teams? Or are tag teams just simply over and done for? Anyway, the match was an OK TV bout and Ciampa did a very good job selling his neck pain. I guess this means #DIY gets a tag title shot? Meh. The whole thing screams meh.

The two locked up to begin things. Ciampa had control early until Grayson Waller got mildly involved and Theory took control with a modified suplex onto Theory’s knee. Theory hit a series of elbows and ran at Ciampa, but Ciampa got a knee up to briefly take control … until Ciampa missd a dive. From there, Theory landed a draping neck-breaker on Ciampa onto the outside. The show then went to a commercial break.

The show returned and Theory was in control, working a chin-lock. Theory went for a rolling move, but Ciampa hit Theory with a boot. Ciampa fired up and hit a leaping clothesline before landing a reverse DDT for a two-count. Ciampa sold neck pain and stomped away on Theory until Ciampa set up for the FairyTale Ending, but Theory countered into a suplex for a good near-fall. Theory tried A-Town Down, but Ciampa stopped Theory and the two traded chops and big boots. Ciampa then hit a running knee and both men were down. Theory jawed at Wade Barrett at ringside, yelling that Theory is only relevant because of the Grayson Waller rub. Theory looked confused as he listened to Waller and Ciampa rolled Theory up for the win.


– Aldis was shown talking to Blair Davenport backstage and Naomi walked in, demanding a tag match later. Davenport was angry Naomi interrupted her time with Aldis. Davenport said Naomi will eventually know who she is and walked away. Aldis made the tag match official and LA Knight then walked into Aldis’s office. Knight asked Aldis if Styles was going to retire and Aldis said he didn’t know. Knight said he was looking for Logan Paul was and he couldn’t find him. Knight and Aldis sat down to talk and the show went to a commercial break.

– Video highlights of Cody Rhodes vs. Logan Paul in Saudi Arabia from last weekend aired.

– Knight was shown walking out of Aldis’s office. Kayla Braxton approached Knight and asked him what he talked about with Aldis. Knight said there wasn’t much to say; it was only that Logan Paul wasn’t there this week. Knight spoke to the camera and said he wanted the U.S. title. Carmelo Hayes walked into the frame. Hayes mistakenly called Paul “Knight” and Knight funnily corrected Hayes. Hayes talked some trash and left to end the segment.

Andrade defeated Apollo Crews [7:06]

Hey, good for Apollo Crews for getting nearly 10 minutes on TV. That’s about all there is to say about this. The match wasn’t much of anything, and I could do without an Andrade vs. Fantasta feud; in fact, things might actually be more interesting if Andrade just joined the faction. But I digress. Andrade has been spinning his wheels since returning to WWE and it felt like a lot of us had a lot of high hopes for him. Right now, he’s lost in the shuffle (some may even say buried), but here’s hoping creative has something good for him because he’s got talent.

Things were even at first until Andrade hit a dropkick. Andrade landed a belly-to-back suplex for a one-count. Andrade went to the top, but was distracted by Angel, who walked out (footage of Angel offering Andrade a spot in Legado Del Fantasma and Andrade turning him down aired before the match). Crews kicked Andrade off the top to the outside of the ring. Crews followed that up with a moonsault and the show went to a commercial break.

Upon return, Andrade hit a high cross-body from the top on Crews and both guys were down momentarily. Back on their feet, Crews and Andrade traded blows until Andrade got in a flying forearm. Andrade hit a running double knees for a two-count. Crews came back with a German Suplex. Crews lifted Andrade and dropped him before hitting a standing moonsault for a two-count. Angel got on the apron and Crews ran at him. The distraction was enough for Andrade to follow that up with a spinning back below and his finisher for the win.

After the match, Santos Escobar walked out and appeared to appreciate Andrade. Andrade walked toward Fantasma and instead of stopping to say hello, walked past the faction. Escobar appeared angry and Escobar stared at Angel.


– Solo Sikoa was shown talking to the rest of the Bloodline backstage and Paul Heyman walked in to tell Sikoa he’s been doing a lot of thinking about how he could better serve Sikoa. Heyman talked about how Roman Reigns preserved the family through violence. Heyman said he sees Sikoa recruiting a lot of violent men into the Bloodline, but he doesn’t see strategy at all. Heyman said the strategy has to be that when Roman comes back, they have Cody Rhodes in check. Sikoa said “we” have Cody in check and he doesn’t even know it. Heyman asked Sikoa who “we” is, and Kevin Owens’s music hit inside the arena. Sikoa told Heyman he had to go out there and fix it now.

– Andrade was shown in the locker room and Angel tried to talk to him. Out of nowhere, Apollo Crews showed up and attacked Angel.

The Kevin Owens/Bloodline segment

Boy, oh boy, Heyman is good. Shoot. Owens is good, too. Great, actually. They’re both great. I don’t mind this Bloodline story dragging only because Heyman is so entertaining as the guy who nobody will listen to but obviously seems to know best. As for if I truly view Sikoa, Loa and Tonga as awe-inspiring fear-inducing giants … that’s another story (but one Jacob Fatu may hopefully be able to change). This was the best segment of the night (to this point). Very, very good stuff all around.

Owens sat on a top rope in a corner and thanked the crowd. Owens said last week, he went all the way to Saudi Arabia to make sure he had Randy Orton’s back. Owens said over the last few years, Orton has had Owens’s back. Owens offered a side comment about how Orton didn’t really lose the KOTR finals because his shoulder wasn’t down. As Owens spoke, Heyman did his “Ladies and gentlemen” line and walked out alone without music. Heyman said he was out there to talk to him because he feels like there is a mutual interest he could serve.

Heyman got in the ring and the crowd chanted “We want Roman!” Heyman said he didn’t think there was a person who wanted Roman there more than Heyman wanted Roman there. Heyman said Reigns has great respect for Owens and anything they went through together was because Reigns viewed Owens as a threat to his championship. Heyman said Sikoa has no respect for Owens and Sikoa has been recruiting bloodthirsty “thugs” looking for an excuse to take Owens out. Heyman told Owens that if he keeps calling out Sikoa’s name, those guys are going to “do something really bad about it.” Heyman asked Owens to back off the Bloodline.

Owens asked Heyman if he really is trying to help Owens. Owens asked Heyman how he could think Owens would trust Heyman. Owens said he wasn’t falling for it and Owens said he believed Heyman was still pulling all the strings. Owens asked Heyman if Heyman wants to make sure everyone fears Sikoa and his guys. Owens said the Bloodline gave Owens everything they had and Owens is still standing. Owens said that was Jey, Jimmy and Roman – guys he respects. Owens said Sikoa and his guys are not the Bloodline and Owens promised he will keep fighting those guys. Owens said he didn’t want or need Heyman’s help.

Heyman said maybe he’s not trying to help Owens and instead, he’s trying to save Owens. Heyman referenced their kids and mocked the idea of himself ever redeeming himself. Heyman said, “Oh, let’s not listen to the Hall of Fame Wise Man” and kind of flipped out. Heyman screamed, “Why won’t anybody listen to me!” and accidentally hit Owens. The crowd chanted their requisite cuss phrase and the show’s audio went out. Owens stepped toward Heyman and out came Sikoa, Tama Tonga and Tonga Loa. The Street Profits appeared and stood next to Owens. The six guys brawled with Sikoa and Owens brawling through the crowd. Dawkins hit a splash on Loa and Tonga to send the show to a break.


The Bloodline (Tama Tonga & Tanga Loa) defeated The Street Profits (Angelo Dawkins & Montez Ford) [12:09 of TV time]

The former GOD looked all right in their SmackDown tag debut. Some of those shots from Tonga were stiff and those were the pleasantly surprising moments. Loa wasn’t as featured as much, but he held his own fine enough. Nobody tripped over their own two feet and Loa didn’t have another viral (for all the wrong reasons) moment. So no harm, no foul. All told, it looks like the Profits have become the WWE Main Roster Gatekeepers, because those guys don’t win much, but they always seem to be featured when it comes to introducing a new team. In the meantime, the countdown to Jacob Fatu continues, I suppose.

The match was joined in progress and the Profits had control until Tonga came back, eventually hitting a pair of sliding clotheslines on Ford. Loa tagged in and slammed Ford. Tonga tagged in and landed a springboard elbow on Ford for a two-count. Ford got the hot tag to Dawkins before long and Dawkins hit his series of splashes and clotheslines and an enziguri for a two-count. Loa tagged in and landed a stiff clothesline and a Saito Suplex before throwing Dawkins to the outside, where Loa toyed with Dawkins. Tonga hit a leaping clothesline and the show went to a break.

When things returned, Tonga was beating down Dawkins. Heyman looked concerned at ringside. Tonga went for an elbow and Dawkins moved, inevitably getting the hot tag to Ford after suplexing Tonga. Ford took out Loa and Tonga with a combination of strikes and suplexes. Dawkins tagged in and Dawkins lifted Loa onto his shoulders. Ford hit the Blockbuster from the top for a two-count. Tonga tagged in and after Ford went to the top to hit a Frog Splash, Tonga ran in to hit his finisher on Ford for the win.


– Highlights of the women’s tag team title match from the King & Queen of the Ring PLE aired. Cargill and Belair were shown walking backstage and they ran into Indi Hartwell, who said Candice LeRae is hurt because of Cargill and Belair. In response, Cargill and Belair essentially told Hartwell to go away.

– Kayla Braxton was backstage with Michin and asked Michin about Styles potentially retiring. Michin began to talk, but Nia Jax interrupted Michin and wondered why people are talking about Styles. Jax told Michin not to step to her, but wouldn’t you know it – Michin stepped to Jax. The segment ended.

Chelsea Green & Piper Niven defeated Naomi & Bayley [8:27]

A fine television match and it earns bonus points for Green and Niven getting a meaningful win. While it felt they’d get it, I had to wonder, considering the star power on the opposite side of them. But naturally, Green gets the fluke(ish) pin on Naomi while Niven and Bayley continue to try and heat up their (what feels like it will be short) feud. It’s wild to think Clash at the Castle is only two weeks away.

Bayley and Green began the match and Green quickly tagged in Niven. Bayley went at Niven, but Niven slowed Bayley down and tagged in Green. Bayley hit a suplex on Green and tagged in Naomi, who dominated Green. Bayley tagged in and the two clotheslined Green over the top rope. Naomi then hit a suicide dive on Green on the outside. Bayley attacked Niven on the outside. Naomi and Bayley hugged as the show went to a commercial break.

The show returned and Niven was working over Bayley inside the ring. Green then tagged in and punched Bayley. Bayley landed some punches back, but Green forced Bayley back into her corner. Niven tagged in and Bayley ultimately worker her way away from Niven to tag Naomi as Green tagged in. Naomi spiked Green, went to the top and hit a cross-body on Green. Naomi dropkicked Niven off the apron and got the crowd behind her. Naomi dropkicked Green and landed the split-legged moonsault on Green for a two-count.

With Green and Niven on the outside, Naomi hit a splash on them. Green was inside the ring and Naomi went to the top, but Niven pushed Naomi off the top. Bayley went after Niven, but Niven cut Bayley off and ran Bayley into the ring steps. Inside the ring, Naomi landed a hip attack on Green, but Niven hit a splash on Naomi and Green covered Naomi for the win.


– Next week, Jade Cargill will face Indi Hartwell. Johnny Gargano will go up against Grayson Waller. Apollo Crews and Angel will wrestle. And Solo Sikoa is set to anoint Tonga Loa.

– AJ Styles was shown walking backstage and LA Knight approached Styles. Knight said, “If the rumors are true … respect.” Cody then appeared and shook Styles’s hand. Styles whispered something into Cody’s ear. Styles ran into Gallows and Anderson and Styles thanked them for going with him to the ring.

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