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WWE SmackDown live results: Cody Rhodes seeks payback



WWE SmackDown live results: Cody Rhodes seeks payback

After AJ Styles attacked Cody Rhodes to end last week’s SmackDown, Rhodes says he will look for payback on tonight’s show from Louisville, Kentucky.

Styles’ attack came after he faked a retirement announcement in the middle of the ring. As part of his attack on Cody, Styles gave Cody a Styles Clash from the ring steps onto the floor. The altercation is expected to lead to a Rhodes vs. Styles match for the Undisputed WWE title at Clash at the Castle.

Also on tap for tonight, Solo Sikoa will officially anoint Tonga Loa as a member of The Bloodline. Loa debuted at Backlash last month as he helped Sikoa and Tama Tonga defeat Randy Orton and Kevin Owens.

Jade Cargill will take on Indi Hartwell after the two had a brief altercation in a backstage segment last week. Hartwell took issue with Cargill, who with her tag team partner Bianca Belair, injured Candice LeRae at Queen & King of the Ring.

Apollo Crews will go one-on-one with Angel, whose interference led to a Crews loss last week against Andrade. And Johnny Gargano will take on Grayson Waller.

Our live coverage starts at 8 p.m. Eastern time.


– A video recapping the AJ Styles/Cody Rhodes developments from last week began the show.

– Cody Rhodes looked angry as he paced backstage and Corey Graves welcomed everyone into the show. Solo Sikoa’s music then hit and out came The Bloodline.

The Anointment of Tonga Loa

This was pretty basic outside of Heyman, who always does great work in these segments. I wonder where Randy Orton is because I couldn’t help but think he was about to run out for the save but for the second straight week, he was nowhere to be found. I can’t say I’m a fan of these longer names for Tonga Loa. If you’re going to rebrand them … well, rebrand them. These new monikers feel gratuitous. Heyman retreating quick once Owens’s music hit was a nice touch as well. This has to lead to a six-man tag for later in the show, but for now, it was a fine opening segment.

Paul Heyman spoke first and said he must set the record straight. He then said until Roman Reigns comes back, Solo Sikoa will sit at the head of the table. Sikoa soaked in boos. “We want Roman” chants began. Heyman said a double proclamation will occur and explained that Tama Tonga will be known as only “Tama Tonga The Right Hand Man.” Heyman turned his attention to Tanga Loa and said the story of the Bloodline will never be complete without “The Infamous Tanga Loa.” Heyman said, “With that, Louisville, thank you and goodnight.”

Sikoa then began talking and some boos got loud. “Solo sucks” chants began. Sikoa told Heyman he should thank Loa and Tonga for saving Heyman from Kevin Owens last week. Heyman did so sheepishly. Tonga said they could have let Owens kill Heyman, but they saved Heyman “by orders of the Tribal Chief.” Heyman said he wanted to return the favor and got there early to do what a wiseman does. Heyman said all he had been hearing is that Owens is looking for a piece of any and every member of the Bloodline. Owens’s music then hit and Owens walked out.

Owens ran into the ring and took down Tonga. Owens briefly had control over the three Bloodline members, but the Bloodline members quickly got the upper hand. The Street Profits’ music then hit and the Profits ran out for the save. Owens grabbed a chair and hit everyone in the Bloodline with it. The Bloodline then retreated up the entrance way to end the segment.


– Heyman was shown walking backstage and Sikoa stopped Heyman saying Heyman needed to make a six-man tag for later. Sikoa said if Heyman doesn’t do it, Heyman will face Tama Tonga in the locker room later.

Jade Cargill & Bianca Belair defeated Indi Hartwell & Candice LeRae [6:30]

Not much to this, though it does continue to feel like we are walking towards a triple threat for the women’s tag belts at Clash at the Castle. This is a complete armchair observation, so take it as such, but Cargill doesn’t really look happy. Or, well, she didn’t here. She also doesn’t wrestle much in her team’s matches. Belair takes the bulk of these things and then Cargill gets the shine to finish things up. Is she really that not ready to swim in the deep end on her own yet? She’s a better heel and the sooner she gets to that in WWE, the better it will be for everyone involved. Until then, she feels/looks discontent.

Belair and Hartwell began the match. Instantly, Alba Fyre and Isla Dawn – along with Baszler and Stark – walked to ringside. LeRae tagged in and Belair eventually landed a moonsault for a two-count. Hartwell and LeRae took control with a double-team move and the show went to a commercial break. Back from that break, LeRae had control, but quickly tagged in Hartwell, who stopped Belair from getting the hot tag … but not for long because Cargill eventually received the tag and took out Hartwell and LeRae with a series of moves including a splash and some suplexes. Cargill hit a superkick on Hartwell, but LeRae broke up the pin attempt. Belair then disposed of LeRae and the champs landed their finisher for the win.

After the match, the four women at ringside jumped Cargill & Belair. Baszler held one of the tag belts while Dawn held the other. The four women then attacked each other until Cargill and Belair returned to the ring and took everyone out.


– Cody was shown fuming backstage again, waiting for Styles to arrive. GM Nick Aldis walked over to Cody and tried to calm Cody down, but Cody was still pretty heated. Aldis walked away.

– Sarah Schreiber was backstage. She interviewed Apollo Crews, who started to talk and was instantly jumped by Angel and Berto. The rest of Legado Del Fantasma ran in until officials broke things up. LA Knight walked into the frame and asked Aldis where Logan Paul was. Aldis said Paul was playing Tetris and Knight was all fired up. Carmelo Hayes walked in. Aldis made Knight vs. Hayes as a match made for later in the show.

Grayson Waller defeated Johnny Gargano [8:15]

This was very good. Or, well, it was very good based on the pretense that my expectations weren’t that high. That’s not meant to be disparaging to either guy, but between the wild bump Gargano took and the wild offshoot Destroyer Gargano hit towards the end of the match, this was better than the typical SmackDown match that typically airs halfway through the night. The march towards Waller and Theory breaking up continues with how Waller pulled Theory into harm’s way. I have high hopes for both guys when it comes to when we get there.

Gargano came out hot, but Waller cut him off and worked some knees. Gargano came back with a bunch of hard chops to Waller’s chest. Eventually, Waller stopped Gargano’s momentum with a back-breaker and the action ultimately spilled outside, where Waller landed a nasty Sliced Bread on Gargano. Like, really nasty. The show then went to a commercial break.

Back from the break, Gargano worked a comeback up inside the ring and landed a springboard spear for a two-count. Waller came back with a a pair of slams and a two-count. The two got to their feet and traded elbows until that evolved into boots and kicks and knees. Gargano, out of nowhere, landed a modified destroyer and Waller rolled to the outside. Gargano went for a splash, but Waller pulled Austin Theory in harm’s way and Theory took the move. Back in the ring, Waller hit his finisher on Gargano and got the win.


– Cody was shown waiting backstage again. Aldis walked in with a gang of officials and Aldis said Styles was going to be there any second. Aldis told everyone to relax and the show went to break.

The Cody/AJ Styles segment

I’m into the idea that this will be an I Quit Match. I also think that means we’ll get World Beater Cody as he takes out Styles, Gallows and Anderson, somehow, all by himself. But, hell. This is pro wrestling. Go with it. I could do without angry Cody. I understand they’re trying to heat this thing up in short order, but Cody is really hard to believe sometimes and him looking like he wants steam to pour out of his ears doesn’t always translate to believable animosity. Still, the match next weekend should be good.

The show returned and Cody was still pacing backstage. Styles pulled up with the Good Brothers and they taunted Cody. Cody walked away and towards the ring. Cody walked into the arena without his music (or any music, for that matter). Cody asked for a microphone and yelled “AJ Styles, get your ass to this ring right now!” Cody said they didn’t need security. Styles’s music hit and Styles walked out with Gallows & Anderson.

Styles had a microphone and told Cody to give Styles what he wants. The crowd chanted “AJ Styles!” Styles said he wanted a championship match at Clash at the Castle. Cody told Styles he’s got it, but it won’t be a regular match; instead, it will be an I Quit Match. Cody then fought through the WWE officials and jumped at Styles, but other officials stopped Cody. As Cody was being held, Styles jumped at Cody and hit Cody. Cody mean-mugged to end the segment.


– Cargill & Belair were shown coming out of Aldis’s office backstage. Belair said they wondered what their match at Clash at the Castle will be. Sure enough, it’ll be a triple threat between them and Fyre & Dawn and Baszler & Stark.

LA Knight defeated Carmelo Hayes [8:32]

They did all they could to protect Hayes and I can’t blame them for that. Knight going over in a type of flukey way didn’t do Knight any favors, but I have to think this means the next stop for him will be Logan Paul. The only question then will be, does Knight finally get some WWE gold? That jury is still out. As for this match, it wasn’t bad. Hayes continues to shine during the main roster opportunities he receives and that’s a good thing for the future of WWE. If he’s not going to work with Knight from here on out, though, what’s next for him?

The two jawed at each other after the bell rang. Hayes beat down Knight once the action began. Knight fought back a little and capped it off with a strong clothesline. Knight threw Hayes over the top rope and the two fought outside the ring. Knight repeatedly slammed Hayes’s head off the commentary table. Hayes ran at Knight and Knight back-dropped Hayes onto the commentary desk. Knight posed on top of the table and the show went to a commercial break.

The show returned and Hayes had control inside the ring. Hayes hit a springboard clothesline for a two-count. Hayes went to the top, but Knight cut Hayes off. Knight then set up for his running-up-the-turnbuckle spot, but Hayes moved. It didn’t matter because Knight threw Hayes back into the ring and landed a running knee to the side of Hayes’s head. Hayes followed that up with a face-buster and got a two-count.

Hayes hit a chop and a series of strikes. Knight answered with a chop of his own. Knight slammed Hayes but then missed the Megastar Elbow. Knight tried to suplex Hayes, but Hayes rolled Knight up for a two-count. Hayes and Knight traded blows until Knight finally landed the pop-up powerslam and Megastar Elbow. Knight set up for the BFT, but Hayes rolled Knight up … but then Knight rolled Hayes up for the win.

After the match, Knight said he’d bring SmackDown to Paul.


– Backstage, Tiffany Stratton talked to Nia Jax, saying they should team up. Jax walked away and straight into Michin, who threw a drink in Jax’s face. The women then brawled.

– A video chronicling the Bayley/Chelsea Green stuff from last week aired.

The Bayley/Piper Niven/Chelsea Green segment

Umpf. Tough crowd. Needlessly mean crowd, actually. Bayley, Niven and Green tried, but this thing died on the operating table before the surgeons even got into the room. The “What?” treatment has long overstayed its welcome, but damn if it’s not especially annoying when a crowd does it merely only because they’re bored. Niven, Green and Bayley deserved better. It wasn’t the most perfect promo pro wrestling television has ever seen, but Niven was a surprisingly compelling long promo and Green was her usual entertaining self. Bayley did a good job lifting up Niven, too. Here’s hoping that Scottish crowd gets way, way, way up for this match next weekend.

Bayley stood in the ring alone with a microphone. Bayley noted how she will face Piper Niven at Clash at the Castle. Bayley barely got another word in and out walked Green and Niven. Green had a microphone and said Bayley talks a big game for being a big loser. Green then called the fans losers. Green said Bayley was a loser in Saudi Arabia and a loser last week and she’ll be a loser when “little Miss P. finishes you.” Bayley mocked Green for being a mouthpiece and said Niven doesn’t need Chelsea. Bayley said she respects Niven, but not Green. Bayley said she appreciated Niven since she saw her at the Mae Young Classic.

Bayley said it will mean more than just a title match for Niven. Bayley said it will mean everything to Niven and she knows how that feels because she has lost in front of everyone she loved. Bayley said she’ll have fun beating Niven. Niven grabbed the microphone from Green and Niven said she’s going to beat the breaks off Bayley in front of her home country. Niven said Bayley knows nothing about her and her journey. Niven said the MYC was in 2017 and the crowd gave Niven the “What?” treatment. Niven said she’d been wrestling since 2008 and she was a trailblazer. Niven said she won titles in the UK, Europe and Japan. Niven said she was a world champion since before she stepped through the WWE door. Niven said she’d stand over Bayley as the new WWE Women’s Champion at CITC. The heels’ music hit and Niven and Bayley engaged in a stare down to end the segment.


– Logan Paul sent in a message and said he needed an actual challenge, so he’s going to compete in the World Tetris Championships. Paul said he competes with the best in the world and Knight has done nothing to merit his attention. Paul called Knight a hillbilly and told Knight to “go back to the mid-card, where he belongs.”

– Niven and Green were shown walking backstage and they ran into Aldis, who was talking to Naomi. Naomi warned Green to keep her name out Green’s mouth. Naomi got in Green’s face and Aldis stopped everyone, saying he didn’t have time for it. Aldis made a match between Naomi and Green for next week’s SmackDown. Also next week, Michin will face Nia Jax. The Grayson Waller Effect will take place with guests #DIY.

Kevin Owens & The Street Profits defeated The Bloodline (Tama Tonga, Solo Sikoa & Tonga Loa) via DQ [9:42]

Boy, they really are doing their best to get over this Bloodline Wolfpack gimmick. Constantly standing tall and making these guys out to be animals, no matter the crowd response, is certainly a choice. I’m not quite sure it’s where they want it to be quite yet, but I’d be lying if I said I didn’t think they might be running out of time to get there. Anyway, this was a fine enough six-man tag to end the show. Owens is always a lot of fun and beyond his enthusiasm, the guy can bump with the best of them. Does this lead to a Randy Orton return spot next week? Or will we finally somehow get Jacob Fatu inserted into the mix? Here’s hoping for the latter.

Dawkins and Tonga began the match and Dawkins got the best of things to start things off. Ford tagged in and hit a shoulder block before working over Tonga until Tonga fought back and tagged in Loa, who slammed Ford. Tonga tagged back in and had control for a quick second until Ford hit a clothesline and back body-dropped Tonga over the top to the outside. Sikoa tagged in and beat down Ford, including throwing Ford into a ring post on the outside. Sikoa yelled out into the crowd and the show took its final commercial break.

Back from that break, Sikoa was continuing his work on Ford, who tried to fight back until Sikoa hit a Samoan Drop for a two-count. Sikoa landed a hip attack on Ford and tagged in Tonga. Tonga slammed Ford and hit a running sliding clothesline. Tonga did it twice over. Owens, during all of this, was doing his best to fire up the crowd on the apron in a way nobody has seen since the 1980s. Ford eventually got the hot tag to Owens, who beat the hell out of Sikoa.

Owens landed a Swanton on Sikoa and went for a Stunner, but Sikoa blocked it. The two traded superkicks and Sikoa clotheslined Owens. Sikoa went for a Spike, but Owens ducked it and hit a Stunner. During the pin, Owens was pulled outside by Tonga and Loa. Everything broke down and everyone brawling outside until Sikoa hit Ford with a chair, causing a DQ finish. The match was over, but the Bloodline continued their work on the Profits. Sikoa speared Ford. The show ended with the three members of the Bloodline power-bombing Owens through the commentary table and standing tall, fingers pointed to the sky.

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