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WWE Raw Results 6/17 – Triple Threat Money In The Bank Ladder Match Qualifiers, Carlito Vs. Dragon Lee



WWE Raw Results 6/17 – Triple Threat Money In The Bank Ladder Match Qualifiers, Carlito Vs. Dragon Lee

The bell rings and Balor rolls out of the ring. Jey and Rey lock up, and Jey levels Rey with a shoulder tackle. Rey connects witha hurricanrana to Jey and an arm drag to Balor, then levels Balor on the outside with a dropkick through the ropes. Balor sends Jey’s face repeatedly off the apron, but Rey flies over the top rope to level him.


Back from the break, Balor delivers a stomp to Jey and delivers a basement dropkick to Rey. He lands a series of stomps on Rey, then delivers a knee and an elbow to Jey. Jey lands a superkick on Balor’s midsection, then gets him up on his shoulders. Rey levels Balor with a senton off the top rope, then connects with a springboard crossbody to him. He delivers a Crucifix Bomb to Jey and low bridges him out of the ring, but Balor rolls him up.

Rey kicks out and ascends up the ropes, but Balor gets Rey up in an Eletric Chair position. Rey escapes and sends Balor crashing into the ropes and dials it up for a 619, but Balor catches him with a clothesline. Jey catches Balor with an enzuigiri, but Balor lands a Pele Kick on him.


Back from another break, Rey trips balor on the top rope and delivers an enzuigiri to Jey from the apron. He then delivers a hurricanrana to Balor, but Jey catches Rey with a spear and goes for a pin. Rey kicks out and Jey ascends to the top. Balor trips Jey and Rey dials it up for a 619 on him, then lands a baseball slide through the middle rope and sends Balor crashing into the ropes. He dials it up for a second 619, then dials it up for another on Jey. Rey then ascends to thet op and delivers a double hurricanrana to Jey and Balor that sends them both crashing into the ropes. He diesel it up for a double 619 on them both.

Rey ascends to the top, but Dominik grabs his ankle. Rey levels him, but JD McDonagh and Carlito send Rey crashing into the ring steps. Barun Strowman’s music hits, and he runs down to the ring to chase McDonagh and Carlito away from ringside. Back in the ring, Balor rolls up Jey but Jey avoids being pinned. He lands a superkick on him, then sets up for a spear. Balor avoids it and lands a spear, but Rey lands a shoulder on his midsection. Balor sends Rey crashing into the top turnbuckle, then ascends to the top and delivers a Coup De Grace for him. He goes for a pin, but Jey lands an Uso Splash on him. He then pins Balor for the win.


Winner: Jey Uso

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