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WWE NXT live results: Cody Rhodes appears



WWE NXT live results: Cody Rhodes appears

The Undisputed WWE Champion will be in the building tonight’s episode for NXT, along with the fallout from Battleground.

During Sunday’s event, Cody Rhodes made a social media post teasing he would be coming to NXT. He is supposedly there to deliver a gift and to see some old friends. WWE has confirmed that Rhodes will be appearing tonight. We’ll see what that gift ends up being.

New Catch Republic (Pete Dunne & Tyler Bate) will also be a part of tonight’s show. They’re teaming up with Wes Lee to take on Gallus in a six-man tag match. Dunne & Bate are providing backup for Lee after he was taken out by Gallus in a backstage attack at Battleground.

A Singapore cane match between Lexis King and Dante Chen has been announced for tonight as well, along with Je’Von Evans vs. Shawn Spears and Michin vs. Jaida Parker. Plus, we’ll see the NXT returns of both Wendy Choo and Eddy Thorpe.

Join us for live coverage starting at 8 p.m. Eastern time.

Opening the show is the new and first NXT Women’s North American Champion Kelani Jordan. She enters the ring for a monologue celebrating her title win on Sunday.

Jordan begins by saying the moment was surreal. She has won championships in gymnastics, but nothing compares to being the first North American champ. She put over the intensity of the ladder match, and when she grabbed the belt is a moment she will remember the rest of her life.

Jordan says there is no lineage or history of the title to live up to, but Jordan says she will prove day in and out that no one can do it like her. Jordan is soon interrupted by Jaida Parker.

Out comes Parker to insult Jordan. Parker goes on to mention Michin. Say her name, and Michin appears with an ambush on Parker. Michin brawls with Parker at ringside, while Jordan does a Toru Yano shrug. Jordan clears out of the ring, as the opening bout is underway before the bell can even ring to start the match.

Michin defeated Jaida Parker

Michin pinned Parker with an O’Connor Roll, after The Good Brothers got involved to stop Parker from using a steel chair.

They begin the match itself by continuing the brawl that started at ringside. Parker looked strong as the show cuts to a commercial break, with Parker talking trash after delivering a sit-down splash. Parker is working over Michin as the show returns from the break.

Michin keeps kicking out, and she soon begins a comeback. Michin comes back with a tornado DDT for a two count. Parker cuts off Michin, and Parker drops her with a gourdbuster. Parker then delivers a hip attack that sends Michin sailing out of the ring.

The O.C. – Karl Anderson & Luke Gallows – enter the ringside era to help rally Michin. The Good Brothers back away from Parker as she grabs a metal folding chair stashed underneath the ring. Parkers gets in the ring with the chair, but Anderson jumps on the apron and takes the chair away from Parker. With Parker distracted with the chair and Anderson, Michin rushes in to score a pinfall with an O’Connor Roll.

Clips of Gallus jumping Wes Lee on Sunday are followed by a promo from Pete Dunne & Tyler Bate. The promo was first on WWE’s social media ahead of the tag match tonight.

WWE Champion Cody Rhodes is shown arriving to the building, while Cody greeted fans gathered outside hoping for an autograph and a chance meeting.

Thea Hail storms into a classroom, where there is an argument among Chase U. Andre Chase, Duke Hudson, Riley Osborne, and Ridge Holland are all arguing when Hail screams at them to shut up and sit down. They all do so. Hail the cuts promos on all four of them, saying they have given everyone a chance. Hail says they all need to get over it and get on the same page.

Hail leaves, but not before declaring, “We are all Chase U, and that is not a teachable moment. That is the truth!” The rest of Chase U were speechless.

Wes Lee, Pete Dunne & Tyler Bate vs. Gallus (Mark Coffey, Joe Coffey & Wolfgang) in a six-man tag team match

Joe Coffey pinned Wes Lee to win a good match. The trios match itself went through a commercial break. The babyface trio rally in the first half, and they are standing tall as the show cuts to commercial. When the show returns from the break, Gallus is under control and working over Bate.

Hot tag after Bate lands on his feet taking a backdrop. Lee tags in and runs wild. Lee flew around and got a near fall. More near falls would quickly follow. Dunne snaps the fingers of Mark Coffey, and Coffey takes the signature wind up punch from Bate. Dunne moonsaults off the apron, and Bate follows with a flip dive. Lee then lands a meteroa for a close near fall.

Lee follows up with another dive out of the ring, switching directions to avoid being tripped up. Lee springboards into the ring, and Joe Coffey dodges him. Coffey then delivers a roaring clothesline, and Coffey covers him for a three count.

Sol Ruca is featured in a vlog that shows her travels to Battleground, and her preparing for her match in Las Vegas. This video package was pretty good character development.

Wendy Choo defeated Brinley Reece (with Edris Enofe & Malik Blade)

Gimmick makeover for Choo, as she is doing a more sinister version of the sleeping persona. Choo has face paint with stitching on her lips like she is a scarecrow. Choo is ghoulish since awakening from her slumber. Choo won dominate fashion, as she submitted Reece with a cobra clutch.

Oro Mensah and Ethan Page are in a program. Footage from after the show went off the air last week showed them brawling. Mensah has attacked Page in an angle. Likewise, Mensah attacked Page in Vegas several times. Therefore, NXT GM Ava had “no choice” but to ban Page from the building.

NXT Champion Trick Williams stars in a new ad for WWE’s online merchandise store. Williams is also up “next” according to a graphic. That is misleading, as several things are really next. Those include commercial breaks, an interview, and the top champion.

NXT Women’s Champion Roxanne Perez is briefly interviewed when Robert Stone interrupted Perez. Stone wants to known what Perez will say tonight in her state of the union segment. Perez says Stone and his boss (Ava) will have to wait.

WWE Champion Cody Rhodes enters the sound stage to a superstar ovation. Rhodes is wearing a suit and carrying his championship belt. On commentary, Vic Joseph notes today is the anniversary of Dusty Rhodes’ passing nine years ago.

Cody addresses the audience and says it is magical here. Cody says perhaps he needs to feel that magic ahead of his title match at Clash at the Castle against AJ Styles. Cody notes Styles was IWGP Heavyweight Champion, NWA World Champion and WWE Champion, but Cody vows to make Styles say “I quit” in Scotland.

Because seemingly no monologue in NXT can go uninterrupted, out comes NXT Champion Trick Williams. Williams joins Rhodes in the ring. Williams draw parallels between himself and Rhodes. Williams talks about how different it feels to be on the other side of the mountain as champion. Williams asks Rhodes how he deals with that.

Cody responds by gesturing towards his title belt, saying there is another mountain to climb. That pops the crowd, but Cody says he does not want to get ahead of himself. Rhodes then announces that Williams’ next challenger will be determined in a 25-man battle royal. They hinted at some of the 25 wrestler being from other brands besides NXT. The winner of the battle royal is the new number one contender.

Cody wishes Trick luck, but Trick was one more question to ask Rhodes. With the Fourth of July approaching, Trick asks Cody if he is coming to the cookout. The crowd cheers wildly just before Cody says his is indeed coming to the cookout.

Dante Chen is interviewed backstage, and he threatens to cane Lexis King in their match.

WWE’s NIL class of 2024 is shown sitting at ringside before the next match. They then supposedly watch along as two pro wrestler beat the heck out of each other with kendo sticks.

Lexis King defeated Dante Chen in a Singapore cane match

For those younger readers, some context to the Singapore cane in American pop culture. In 1994, American student Michael Fay was sentenced in Singapore to be lashed six times by a cane for acts of vandalism. The incident and punishment became national news in the United States. That led to Paul Heyman using the idea of a Singapore cane for gimmick matches in ECW, first with The Sandman and Tommy Cairo. Later, a brutal angle with Tommy Dreamer being canned by Sandman was a turning point in getting Dreamer over in ECW. Sandman would bring the cane with him to the ring as part of his gimmick, which was actually a kendo stick.

Here in NXT, the Singapore cane match is simply two guys beating the crap out of each other with kendo sticks. They were able to mix in a lot of high spots as well. Mostly though, they brutalized each other with shots from kendo sticks. Do they know this is supposed to be a work?

Chen does a suicide dive while holding a kendo stick. Chen is whacking King with shot from the kendo stick when King uses his walking cane to give Chen a low blow. Vic Joseph on commentary called it a “cane,” while Booker T corrected him by saying it was a “scepter.” Whatever you call it, King used it was a weapon to strike Chen. King then used it to help with delivering The Coronation, and King covered Chen for a pinfall.

In a backstage skit, Cody Rhodes gives Jacy Jayne his old face shield from a previous gimmick, since Jayne now has to wear a face shield.

Eddy Thorpe is featured in another vignette ahead of his return bout later on.

Michin exits Ava’s office in a backstage skit, and there to meet her are The Good Brothers. Michin tells them that she is officially the first challenger for Kelani Jordan’s North American title. To celebrate, Michin and The Good Brothers too sweet.

Someone off camera tries to accosts Vic Joseph at the announce desk, and security appears to take him away. Joseph looked mortified.

Eddy Thorpe defeated Tavion Heights

Although Thorpe is getting a big push, this was far from an enhancement match. They had a competitive match, with Heights getting to show some fire. Thorpe escapes a Dragon sleeper, and Thorpe explodes with a flurry of strikes and moves. Thorpe concludes with a German suplex, just before the finisher. Thorpe executes an implant DDT, and Thorpe scores the pinfall.

No Quarter Catch Crew are in a skit where Charlie Dempsey wants to recruit Heights. Damon Kemp is skeptical, and Dempsey cuts a promo on him. Dempsey then instructs Myles Borne to find and recruit Heights.

Shawn Spears defeated Je’Von Evans

Spears pinned Evans after a C4. They had a heckuva match. Evans to shine plenty with his aerial attacks, but it would cost him in the end. Evans is able to block the C4 on Spears’ first attempt. Evan also executes a big springboard cutter on Spears, but Spears the ring veteran rolls out of the ring before Evans can capitalize.

Evans continues to fly all over the place, jumping off the barricades. After a parade of dive, Evans goes for a springboard flying body press. However, Spears moves. Evans crashes and burns, as he smashes the desk. Spears is able to capitalize, and Spears delivers his finisher. From there, Spears scores the deciding pinfall.

Later on, Spears runs into Cody Rhodes in a locker room skit. Spears claims he will win the battle royal and go on face Trick Williams, like Cody did at the Rumble before winning his title. Cody wishes Spears good luck. Ethan Page enters the scene, and wants to also be wished good luck by Cody. In comes Lexis King to interject and vow he is winning the battle royal.

“It seems like you guys are in a good place,” Cody says before turning to leave.

NXT Women’s Champion Roxanne Perez is in the ring for a State of the Union speech, dubbed “The State of the Women’s Division”. Perez is the ring with a fern plant in each corner, which reminded me of the comedy series Between Two Ferns. This was not that. Instead, it was a NXT monologue, meaning someone else joined in. For once it was not an interruption, as Perez called out Ava. An interruption would still come moments later.

Perez wants Ava to thank her for keeping the title in NXT, referencing a recent inter-brand match where Perez retained the title. Ava does not thanks Perez, so Perez continues to cut a promo on Ava and the roster. Perez says no woman can take the title from her.

Out comes Jacy Jayne and Jazmyn Nyz. Jayne is wearing Cody Rhodes’s face shield over her own. Jayne is upset that Perez is taking credit for the whole locker room. Jayne says Perez lost her happy personality. Jayne claims before Perez came along, Jayne was the reason everyone was watching NXT.

This is starting to remind me of media discourse over Caitlin Clark and the WNBA roster, but before I can think much about that, here comes Lash Legend and Jakara Jackson with yet another interruption. It would not be the last. Legend and Jackson proceed to cut promos on Perez.

Lola Vice enters for the final interruption. Vice is trying to cut a promo when Jackson insults her with a comment about twerking. Vice kicks Jackson, and a brawl erupts. A melee ensues to close out the show.

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