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Walmart adding new trendy fast food shop to 92 stores



Walmart adding new trendy fast food shop to 92 stores

While many of us prefer to do our shopping online for essentials like school supplies and groceries, there’s still a large cohort of the United States that goes in person for their errands. 

The American shopping experience may not be as robust and pushy as it was during the height of the mall heyday in the 1980s, when people would quite literally venture out just to get some exercise. Plazas and strip malls in the country, however, are still alive and well. 

And for those thriving centers of business, shopping looks a lot more like a trip to an adult amusement park than it does a daily or weekly task to be checked off. 

Take, for example, a trip to a Cabela’s or Costco. Both store concepts feature massive footprints, complete with entertainment and refreshments for all ages. Cabela’s often features things like fish tanks, interactive games and equipment, and demos on new gear. Costco boasts a full scale food court and sells everything from toilet paper to furniture – and in some stores, even diamonds and award winning liquor.

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