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T&C Horoscopes: July 16—31



T&C Horoscopes: July 16—31


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July 16—31: The Sun will be in your birth sign until the 22nd, and withMars, the energy planet, entering a hidden angle of your chart on the 20th, be ready to do some stepping back and self-searching. The full Moon of the 21st emphasizes changes affecting partners and associates, and with powerful Pluto on the scene, expect some volatility, especially near the 23rd. Finances will also be in the spotlight.


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July 16—31: Search out new options, explore on the 18th, and be proactive on the 20th. Partners and associates may be a bit reactive near the full Moon of the 21st, and even if you try to establish harmony on the 22nd, aspects on the 23rd indicate that wills will be clashing, so be ready to do a little stepping back. More harmony will be in the air by the 25th, and Mars in Gemini is giving you fresh choices.


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July 16—31: One tricky aspect happening on the 23rd is going to challenge you to rise to the occasion and fix a problem or mistake, but aspects on the 20th, 22nd, and 25th indicate that you can be a positive influence on everyone right now and also help smooth any troubled waters. Mercury, your ruling planet, will be entering your sign by the 25th, ramping up your ability to be precise and clear.

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July 16—31: The Sun will be strongly placed in your chart on the 18th, so make yourself visible. Getting around and away will become a theme after Mars enters Gemini on the 20th, and the 21st and 22nd accent covering new ground. Remember, with Pluto in the mix near the 23rd you can’t always remain on good terms with everyone, especially if they insist on behaving outrageously.


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July 16—31: The 18th is a day to explore new ideas and make plans, the 20th accents harmonious pursuits, and the 21st, the day of the full Moon, is a great time to make new contacts and revel in various connections. Get out and about on the 22nd, but with volatile Pluto on the scene on the 23rd, make an effort not to let your pride overtake your good sense. The 25th accents rewarding actions.


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July 16—31: Be proactive on the 18th and you’ll get good results. You can solve an interpersonal problem on the 20th by taking charge, but with Mars entering your relationship angle, others will tend to be a bit more confrontational than usual. The 21st and 22nd are all about reaching agreements and making progress, but late on the 22nd and into the 23rd you must be ready to step back from others’ power plays.

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July 16—31: The 17th and 18th accent conviviality, and the 20th holds potential for strong and effective communication. The full Moon of the 21st is entering your financial angle, so you can get a better grip if you make an effort, but whatever occurs with stormy Pluto in the mix on the 22nd and 23rd, you will need to make unwelcome adjustments. Actions you take on the 25th will work in your favor.


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July 16—31: Small adjustments you make near the 18th will help you fine-tune work-related endeavors near the 17th and 18th. And actions you take near the 20th should prove beneficial. With the full Moon in a hidden angle of your chart on the 21st, be ready to support and be present for others. The Sun enters your relationship angle on the 23rd, and with Pluto in opposition, make an effort not to be adversarial.


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July 16—31: Follow your intuition near the 17th and 18th, because you’ll get results. With Mars arriving at the nadir of your solar chart on the 20th, home-related matters will be in the air. You’ll need to take a back seat and play a supportive role near the 21st and 22nd, but whatever you do will make all the difference. Stay out of others’ disputes near the 23rd if you can, and attend to your own needs. The 25th will be a productive time.

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July 16—31: Be the leader you were meant to be on the 18th, and tune into what’s going on beneath the surface on the 20th. The full Moon of the 21st activates important associations and unexpected developments involving future directions. The 22nd is a breakthrough day, but Pluto disrupts progress by the 23rd. Don’t resist, adapt, and by the 25th you’ll see the way ahead and be on the move.


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July 16—31: Your ideas will carry weight near the 18th, so speak up. With Mars entering Gemini on the 20th, you’ll be tempted to spend more freely, and the full Moon of the 21st is all about pressure and stress—so don’t succumb. Venus in Cancer urges you to put your feelings into words, and despite more stress that comes up near the 23rd, as long as you remain calm, your plans will pan out.


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July 16—31: Your quick actions near the 17th and 18th will prevent a crisis, and what you need to know is that adrenalizing Mars is entering your birth sign on the 20th, and you’ll become a power to be reckoned with during the next few weeks. The 21st may be a pressured day, but personally you’ll flourish. Do some deep breathing on the 23rd, when tension is in the air, and dare to say what you think on the 25th.


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