Outspoken academic Kathleen Stock has blasted the medical profession for ‘experimenting’ on teenagers by giving them hormones and allowing them to undergo gender reassignment surgery. The...
TV shows with queer and trans characters are disappearing, sparking concerns that networks and streaming services are caving to anti-2SLGBTQ+ sentiment. There were 468 2SLGBTQ+ characters...
“Be careful,” the cobbler on Rue Ben Abdessadak told me. I had stopped by to get a new lining for my shoes. When he heard I was...
A New Brunswick judge has ruled against a Moncton-area school district in its lawsuit against the provincial government that alleged changes to a gender-identity policy violate...
Yet, she says, “Whenever we would decide on the CEO of a smaller brand, Robert would look at the two men (on the executive committee), and...
Pierre Poilievre is the only federal party leader whose staff won’t say whether their chief intends to participate in Pride events this summer. Officials for Prime...
June 15, 2024 – 6:00pm Anyone who’s been paying attention to queer politics will have noticed that activist language never stands still but constantly marches Leftward....
New research in the International Urogynecology Journal raises serious concerns about testosterone use among trans-identified female patients. Researchers found that 94% of the patients they studied...
The former Ottawa firefighter accused of choking a non-binary colleague at a Barrhaven fire station in 2022 told an Ottawa court he’s a longtime ally of the...