Open this photo in gallery: This image released by Disney/Pixar shows, from left, Sadness, voiced by Phyllis Smith, left, and Joy, voiced by Amy Poehler, in...
It was probably fortunate for Paramount Global shareholders that Wall Street had Juneteenth off. The rumor mill did not take a holiday. How close were Shari...
Like all the best fashion week rumours, this one started circulating in the early hours of the morning, when we all should’ve really been in bed....
The brand-new film camera from Pentax that has been in development since 2022 is finally here. Called the Pentax 17 and teased last month, it is...
Armie Hammer is trying to rebuild his career three years after abuse allegations were revealed in February 2021. Hammer said during the “Painful Lessons” podcast that while...
When Blanche (Virginie Efira) and Gregoire (Melvil Poupaud) serendipitously meet at a summer house party, they fall into the kind of seemingly perfect love that you’d...
From the blockbuster SS25 men’s shows to the eye-popping AW24 Couture catwalks, via all the best parties, exhibitions, and events in town, here’s what to expect...
French yé-yé singer and actor Françoise Hardy passed away aged 80 this week, leaving behind a vast creative legacy spanning film, music, and fashion. Hardy was...
Tuesday Written and directed by Daina O. Pusic Starring Julia Louis-Dreyfus, Lola Petticrew and Arinze Kene Classification N/A; 111 minutes Opens in select theatres June 14...
Theaters will live to fight another day. “Bad Boys: Ride or Die” (Sony) provided more than half of the gross this weekend, taking #1 with $56...
As someone who’s old enough to have seen the likes of “Superbad” and “Youth in Revolt” when they first opened in theaters, it’s hard not to...
Hoop dreams! If you’re still feeling the sting of the Canucks losing in the second round of the NHL playoffs, maybe focusing on another sport is...