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RDCO seeks more public input on curbside food waste collection – Kelowna News



RDCO seeks more public input on curbside food waste collection – Kelowna News

Interest in curbside food waste collection is high in the Central Okanagan, but residents also have concerns.

The Regional District of Central Okanagan is launching Phase 2 of it’s curbside food waste public engagement, with an online survey to gather specific feedback on some of the issues raised by the public.

“We heard loud and clear in Phase One that residents are interested in a food waste collection program for the Central Okanagan,” said Cynthia Coates, RDCO supervisor of solid waste.

“Now, we’re looking for residents’ help to create the criteria for what the program could look like moving forward. Understanding residents preferred options in receiving this service will help staff design a program that suits the needs of as many residents as possible when it comes to food waste collection in the Central Okanagan.”

Some of the concerns raised during the initial feedback included the cost of the program, frequency of collection and wildlife issues. Survey results from Phase One indicated that 73% of respondents are enthusiastic about a curbside food waste program and 83% said they would likely participate in a food waste program if it was implemented.

RDCO will be seeking input on subject including:

  • elements to be considered when locating a transfer station
  • how often your garbage is collected, weekly or biweekly
  • costs related to collection, transport, and processing of food waste
  • further opportunities for engagement
  • residents’ preferred methods for education and outreach

From June 3 until July 2, residents are invited to complete an online survey, ask a question, or leave a comment for RDCO waste reduction experts.

Printed surveys will also be available at the front counters of municipal halls in the region and the administration office at the Glenmore Landfill. They should be returned to the municipal offices or RDCO headquarters at 1450 KLO Road by July 2, 2024.

RDCO waste reduction experts will also be out at several locations in local communities throughout the month of June, talking to residents and answering their questions about food waste collection. You can find the list of in-person engagement opportunities here.

For more information about curbside food waste collection, including the results from Phase One of engagement, visit

Currently, there is no municipal food waste collection service in the Central Okanagan as there is no processing facility in the region. A proposal on potential service design and delivery is expected to be brought forward to the regional board by the end of 2024.

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