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People Are Calling Out Things That Got A TON Of Hype But Were Actually Disappointing



People Are Calling Out Things That Got A TON Of Hype But Were Actually Disappointing


Bridgerton, Season 3. Other than Penelope, it’s meh. I’m more just outraged at waiting two years, getting four mediocre episodes with so much going on; I have to have an ‘A Beautiful Mind’-style chart next to me each episode. Penelope deserves a season to herself, but I feel like she is still a background character. I get they had to establish Francesca (which they are at fault for giving her one minute of screen time in the first two seasons) — BUT the fact they are taking the spotlight away from Penelope to do it is tragic. I wanted a plus-sized woman in the front of the season, but god forbid they do that. Also, every time Colin is on screen, I’m like, ‘Someone come and tell this guy to shut up.'”

“Cressida can go hide in her sleeves for all I care; a snake is a snake, no matter how much sad backstory you try to shove down my throat — the whole Violet Bridgerton is getting towards letting her ‘garden bloom,’ etc. Penelope is one of the few saving graces of the season (that mint dress at the top of episode two was amazing), if not her mother/sister’s interactions on the sidelines, which each time were way funnier than they had a right to be. She is an amazing actress who I don’t think they let on screen enough, even in her own damn season. So infuriating and disappointing.”

—31, Nebraska

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