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No Delays in Approving Lottery Licensing Applications: Service NL Minister



No Delays in Approving Lottery Licensing Applications: Service NL Minister

Organizations needing a lotto license say they’ve had issues getting a lotto license on time for an event, but the minister responsible says that’s not the case.

Some groups have raised concerns about delays in getting their license on time, with some having to cancel due to the inability to get the proper documentation.

Minister Sarah Stoodley says they’re on the ball with meeting the standard two-week turnaround.

Any delays in getting approval is often due to issues such as incomplete applications or improper events. Another challenge is that some groups will apply using the traditional paper application, which may take longer to process than an electronic application would.

Government is making changes to the regulations for those who apply for lotto licenses on a regular basis.

Charities and religious organizations that hold an event will now be able to obtain a two-year licence. Those running annual lotto events will only have to reapply for their license every five years.

Stoodley says the changes, coming into effect on July 2, will relieve some of the administrative burden for both the organizations and government.

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