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New Report Unveils Number of Canadians Unable to Identify Stroke Symptoms



New Report Unveils Number of Canadians Unable to Identify Stroke Symptoms

Nearly one million people in Canada are affected by strokes and that number is increasing. The Heart & Stroke Foundation has just released new data that finds one in 10 Canadians are unable to name any of the FAST signs of stroke.

James Orchard, Chief Paramedic for Island Emergency Medical Services in PEI, says every year close to 2,000 Newfoundlanders and Labradorians experience a stroke. Orchard says about 25 per cent of people in this province do not know a single sign of stroke while about 75 per cent recognize at least two signs.

The FAST campaign has been around for about ten years and Orchard says NL is not where it needs to be in terms of recognition of stroke.

“F” stands for face (is it drooping?)
“A” stands for arms (can you raise them both?)
“S” stands for speech (is it slurred on jumbled?)
“T” stands for time (time to call 911.)

Orchard says time is of the utmost as immediate action can mean the difference between life and death. If you notice even one sign of stroke, call 911.

He urges not to drive oneself to hospital as not all health facilities are capable of treating stroke patients, however, an ambulance will no where to take you.

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