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‘My wife loves to order things online but does not step out to stores for shopping’



‘My wife loves to order things online but does not step out to stores for shopping’

Ahmedabad Others

‘My wife loves to order things online but does not step out to stores for shopping’

Ahmedabad Mirror

Jun 10, 2024 06:00 AM | UPDATED: Jun 10, 2024 03:06 AM | 8 min read

Dear Aunt Big Bon,
My wife is a big online shopper and while she does manage to save money on household items she orders online, there are many more things she ends up buying simply because she spends a lot of time checking out websites and online stores. I convince her to not shop so often but she says she likes it when there are parcels coming home every other day. At times some of the things she orders are lesser than 200 rupees each but then there are days when clothes, toiletries, shoes come in quick succession. On the other hand, when I occasionally ask her to come along with me to the mall for shopping, she avoids it and discourages me by saying everything can be found online. I like to see things at stores and buy them while she has been ordering online since a few years now. How can I convince her to come along with me and also control her online shopping?
-Nikhil Brahmbhatt
Dear Nikhil,
You must have heard this: Let sleeping dogs lie. Why do you want your wife to accompany you to shops and stores and end up spending more when you already are worried she shops enough online? Forget insisting on taking her to the mall…what if she begins to like that enough to make it a regular feature? Ever wondered how much that would cost you? Your expenses would mount up and you would need to make visits to the mall regularly, something you don’t have to do right now. If she is good at online shopping and insists on buying some of your things too – clothes, toiletries, etc – then let her do it. Trying to change the course of things might cost you big in every way! When you really feel like buying something specific, go to the mall and pick it up. On other occasions, simply let your wife choose and select things online. Honestly, it will save your money and time, both. Since your wife is willing to check stuff for you online as well as order it, you have little to worry. I’m sure there are many who would love to be in your shoes!
-Cheers and love,
Aunt You Can Count On.

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