
Taking care of yourself will help keep your stress levels in check as they rise. Heart and blood pressure problems will get worse if you strain yourself. People who get headaches or have problems with their eyes need to be extra careful. Changing the time you go to sleep will give you back the energy you lost.



Making appointments for healing or therapy meetings will help you get better faster. Stress and eye problems will get worse if you don’t get enough sleep. You should be extra careful because you are more likely to get the winter flu. Starting a detox program will help keep blood or heart problems in check.


Skipping events will help you get better faster if you have a bothersome illness. Getting back into an exercise routine will give you a good way to release stress. Sleep problems, fevers, and even eye or stomach problems can make you move more slowly.


Keep things in check to win in the long run! It’s important to stay grounded, which will need extra help. Before you do something hard, give it some thought because it could bring up an old problem with your muscles that are sensitive. Meditating for ten minutes in the morning or going for a daily walk after meals will help you feel calm and at ease.


Take some time for yourself! You will need to pay more attention to your health. Problems with the chest, throat, or neck will come back, making you feel tired. Taking on too many tasks will make breathing or blood pressure problems worse. Fitting in some yoga or fitness in the morning will help with a lot of problems.


No matter what, self-care is a must! The stars are telling you to get back on track with your health if you have gotten off track. Problems with stomach or blood flow will get worse. Don’t push yourself too hard during workouts because it could bring back old pain. People who have problems with their chest, back, or knees should be extra careful.



Get ready for a change! The stars will inspire you to get back on track with your health goals. A lifestyle that is too indulgent will bring back stomach problems. The health of your partner will need your attention and care. Be extra careful when you walk or drive to avoid small crashes.


Learn to be patient! If you make big changes to your food or workout plan, it will slow down your healing. Stomach problems will continue to happen. For the health of the spouse, your time and care is needed. Taking a break to go to yoga class will help you stay healthy.


If you have heart or stomach problems, you will move more slowly. A strict, healthy diet will make you feel bad mentally and emotionally. Mother’s health will need your attention and care. People who are prone to getting the flu or high blood pressure should be extra careful.


Picks are what life is all about! Making better choices will help you live a healthier life. Any old illnesses will get better. Heart and stomach problems will get worse if you eat too much. Making appointments for healing or therapy meetings will help you get better faster.


Reaffirm your dedication to health! The stars will make you make a list of your health limits. Going beyond your limits can lead to a big drop in energy levels. Getting acupuncture or another alternative treatment will help with any problems caused by stress.



Take some much-needed time for yourself this month because your health will need more of your attention. Not having any sugar or coffee in your routine will help in blood problems being prevented from flaring up. Your siblings will need your care and help to get better quickly.

This article is written by, Sidhharrth S Kumaar, Astro Numerologist, Life & Relationship Coach, Energy Healer, Music Therapist, Healing Number & Universe Symbols Researcher, and Founder, NumroVani