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Kids as Young as 11 Are Becoming Addicted to Online Gambling



Kids as Young as 11 Are Becoming Addicted to Online Gambling

Marc Lefkowitz knows that gambling, even among teens and tweens, is a risk. Lefkowitz himself started gambling at the age of 9 and was playing poker with his friends at 12. He wasn’t great at sports, but he could win in the card game.

“I was bullied as a kid,” says Lefkowitz. “Here was something I could do. I could always win in poker.”

Lefkowitz loved the rush of the win, but eventually, he wound up losing—big. In college, his gambling habits led to so much debt that he had to drop out of school. At the age of 24, Lefkowitz sought help for his gambling addiction.

According to the Massachusetts Department of Public Health, gambling addictions can start in children as young as 10 years old, so parents and caregivers of young children need to understand the risks and the many ways kids can be exposed to gambling online. Here’s what parents should know about the risks of online gambling in teens and tweens.

How Online Gambling Is Accessible to Kids

Today, Lefkowitz is an international certified gambling counselor and director of program management at Kindbridge, an online therapy platform. He has been in recovery for four decades and never had to navigate the world of online and app-based gambling as an addict. But he knows that kids today have even more exposure—and thus risk—through online gambling.

“I can’t imagine being a teenager today,” says Lefkowitz.

The legal age for gambling in the United States is 18 or 21, depending on the state. But Katie Paul, the director of Tech Transparency Project (TTP), a nonprofit watchdog organization, says digital platforms have made gambling more accessible. And kids see these ads even if they aren’t of legal gambling age.

“Even if tech platforms prohibit or restrict gambling ads by age, their inability or unwillingness to enforce their own policies gives advertisers relatively free rein to promote whatever they like to young audiences,” says Paul.

In 2021, TTP put that hypothesis to the test. It ran an ad experiment three separate times. “We submitted Facebook ads for gambling and a range of other inappropriate topics [like alcohol] targeted at teen users, and all three times Facebook approved the ads in a matter of hours,” explains Paul.

In July 2021, Facebook announced it would no longer allow advertisers to target teens with interest-based ads. But it still allows “advertisers to target teens broadly as a group,” TTP points out.

Other studies and surveys have also highlighted a growing problem of kids seeing gambling ads. A UK study of more than 600 people between the ages of 11 and 78, published in October 2021, found nearly half of children see gambling advertising each week and a quarter see it daily. And underage individuals found gambling ads on Twitter almost four times more appealing than the adults the ads were targeting.

“Gambling ads may use more humor or celebrity endorsement or memes that may appeal to children and young people, so that may drive increased popularity among kids versus adults,” notes Mike Robb, the senior director of research at Common Sense Media, a resource for entertainment and technology recommendations for families.

In 2020, researchers at Ipsos Mori and the University of Stirling in the UK also released concerning data. It found 96% of those ages 11 to 24 saw marketing messages for gambling. Of those, 66% reported seeing these promotions on social media, including on YouTube and while scrolling through Facebook.

Ads and easy access to apps have made gambling, which Lefkowitz says was once considered “taboo,” more appealing. Robb agrees: “It can normalize gambling and make it look desirable and enjoyable.”

Gambling Ads Means Gambling Opportunities

Ads can prompt kids to seek opportunities to gamble—and it’s never been easier. The Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act passed in 2006 made it illegal to operate a gambling website in the US. But it’s not illegal to gamble on online gambling websites hosted outside of the US, so American citizens can log on to international sites like Bovada and BetOnline to place bets. Fantasy sports leagues, which often involve pools and wagers, are exempt from the act.

In 2018, the Supreme Court ruled against the Professional and Amateur Sports Protection Act (PAPSA), opening the door for each state to make its own laws on sports betting. Today, more than 30 states, including New Jersey, Nevada, Mississippi, and the District of Columbia permit online sports betting in some form. More states are expected to follow. And online casinos are currently legal in six states—New Jersey, Delaware, Michigan, West Virginia, Pennsylvania, and Connecticut. Betting on horse racing online is also possible in more than half of states.

Though the sites may have a legal age, Paul says underage kids circumvent those with ease. In 2021, TTP researchers downloaded a gambling app using an account for a stimulated 14-year-old. They were easily able to download the app and deposit and withdraw money.

“This is one of many examples of insufficient enforcement by the platforms regardless of what restrictions, policies, or laws are in place,” Paul says.

Why Gambling Ads Can Be Harmful to Kids

Kids and teens are actually more likely to develop a gambling disorder than adults. Yale Medicine explains that 2% to 7% of youths may develop a gambling disorder as opposed to around 1% of adults.

Robb says that this difference may be explained, in part, by the fact that a person’s brain does not fully develop until their twenties. “Their prefrontal cortex is not fully developed until they turn 25, so their understanding of risky behaviors [isn’t as refined],” Robb says.

Gambling can become a serious issue. In fact, “gambling disorder” is listed in the DSM-5 manual, the resource mental health providers use to diagnose mental health conditions. Know the Odds, an organization that seeks to raise awareness for problem gambling and prevent addiction, also reports that children introduced to gambling by age 12 are four times more likely to develop a problem.

Marc Lefkowitz, ICGC-II, Director of Program Management

“There’s marketing to parents on what to do about drugs and alcohol, but there’s not the same with gambling. Gambling is a lot of times way more devastating because it’s very easy to hide. You can’t smell blackjack on somebody’s breath.”

— Marc Lefkowitz, ICGC-II, Director of Program Management

The researchers at Ipsos Mori and the University of Stirling also found children’s exposure to online gambling ads made them more likely to bet in the future. And the earlier a child is exposed to gambling, the more likely they are to have a gambling addiction later in life, says the National Council on Problem Gambling.

“Gambling has its ups and downs just like drugs and alcohol,” says Lefkowitz. “Betting on a game, the excitement of it—it’s that constant rush, and that rush works, especially for a teenager going through [changes]. It’s a way to escape.”

Yet, gambling often doesn’t get the same attention in schools and with parents as drug and alcohol addictions. And Lefkowitz says that needs to change.

“There’s marketing to parents on what to do about drugs and alcohol, but there’s not the same with gambling,” he says. “Gambling is a lot of times way more devastating because it’s very easy to hide. You can’t smell blackjack on somebody’s breath.”

Symptoms of Gambling Addiction in Tweens and Teens

It can be hard for parents to pick up on a gambling addiction. In many ways, Lefkowitz says the symptoms mimic those of alcohol and drug addiction, including:

  • Frequently asking for money
  • Cutting school
  • Seeming distracted, sad, or anxious
  • Withdrawal from family and friends
  • Decreased interest in usual activities
  • Missing money or valuables

Lefkowitz says parents often notice these symptoms and send their children for a drug test. When it comes back negative, they drop the issue. But Lefkowitz recommends looking deeper for other, more distinct signs of gambling, including:

  • Suddenly having extra money and expensive items
  • Gambling apps on their phone or websites in their computer browser cache
  • Increased interest in sports—not just a favorite team, but scores from multiple games
  • Checking their phone constantly during sporting events
  • A sudden knowledge of gambling terms, like “spread” and “line”
  • Intense interest if other people start talking about gambling

If gambling is affecting someone’s day-to-day functioning, including schoolwork and extracurricular activities, it’s a problem, Lefkowitz says.

How to Talk to Your Kid About Gambling

Holly Schiff, PsyD, a licensed clinical psychologist with Jewish Family Services in Greenwich, Connecticut, says parents can start addressing gambling starting around the age of 9.

“Adolescents develop cognitive processes that include decision-making, problem-solving skills, and an ability to commit to choices that help foster competent decisions,” says Dr. Schiff. “Talking to them about gambling as a risky behavior before that age will help make a difference in how they respond to and engage in gambling.”

But navigating the topic can be difficult, so we asked experts to share some tips.

Time it right

Try to make the conversation seem natural rather than a planned lesson. “Children will be more receptive to the message if you approach it in a light and conversational way,” says Dr. Schiff.

For example, you may see a casino ad with people having fun while watching a football game. Lefkowitz suggests using it as a cue to discuss gambling by saying, “You know, not all those people are having fun,” and then discussing how sometimes people wager too much and lose.

Aim for short and sweet

Tweens and teens don’t want a lecture during a coffee date or while watching the big game. “Children and teens will probably tune out before you get your message across [if it’s a lecture], whereas a short conversation will really drive the message home,” says Dr. Schiff.

Don’t feel the need to cover everything in one sitting. A two-way conversation during a commercial break is more effective than a half-hour, one-sided discussion where your teen’s focus shifts back toward the game.

Ask questions

Your child, tween, or teen may know more about gambling than you think. Be sure to gauge their knowledge. “Ask them what they’ve heard about gambling, or what they think they already know, so you can better understand where they are coming from,” says Dr. Schiff. “Give them the opportunity to air their questions and concerns, so you can address them head-on and provide answers that are accurate and well-informed.”

Tailor your conversation

Though sports betting is the most accessible, not every teen is into sports. Schiff says a child will relate to the conversation more if parents customize it to their interests. For example, video game-loving kids may understand the concepts behind loot boxes and e-sport betting.

“Provide some education, talk to them about the odds and the risks, and explain probability,” she says. “This can help them make better choices down the road.”

Gambling Resources for Parents

If your child has a gambling problem, help is available:

  • Gambler’s Anonymous: A 12-step program aimed at helping individuals overcome gambling addiction.
  • Gam-Anon: A support group for parents and families of children with gambling issues.
  • A therapist specializing in gambling addiction.
  • Individual or family therapy: Parents can find therapists who specialize in tweens and teens through an online therapy platform, referral from their child’s pediatrician, or their insurance company.
  • State helplines: Lefkowitz suggests googling your state and “problem gambling.” States like New York have resources for those with addiction and their families.
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