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Iowa reports first case of bird flu in cattle at O’Brien County dairy farm



Iowa reports first case of bird flu in cattle at O’Brien County dairy farm

Iowa has reported its first case of bird flu in a herd of dairy cattle.

The Iowa Department of Agriculture reported Wednesday that Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza has been detected at an O’Brien County dairy farm in northwest Iowa. The herd has about 4,500 cows, which, unlike an infected poultry flock, will not be euthanized.

More than 80 dairy cases of bird flu have been confirmed on farms in South Dakota, Texas, Ohio, North Carolina, Michigan, Kansas, Idaho and Colorado, according to the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service. Iowa is now being added to that list, pending final testing.

“Given the spread of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza within dairy cattle in many other states, it is not a surprise that we would have a case given the size of our dairy industry in Iowa,” Iowa Secretary of Agriculture Mike Naig said in the release. “While lactating dairy cattle appear to recover with supportive care, we know this destructive virus continues to be deadly for poultry. Our team at the Department has been preparing for this possibility and will soon be announcing additional response steps to protect our flocks and herds.”

Bird flu has been making its way through Iowa since late May. The first outbreak of 2024 was detected May 28 in a 4.2 million-chicken commercial egg-laying operation in northwest Iowa. The virus in that outbreak was found to be the same variant in infected dairy cows in other states, according to the USDA.

An outbreak in a Cherokee County turkey flock also was detected Sunday.

What happens to cows infected with bird flu?

Dairy cattle typically can recover with little to no death if given proper veterinarian care, according to the USDA. Birds are typically destroyed to prevent the highly contagious virus from spreading.

“Poultry producers and dairy farmers should immediately take steps to harden their biosecurity defenses, limit unnecessary visitors, and report symptomatic birds or cattle to the Department,” Naig said in the release. ” … Our top priority is to protect our livestock and the farmers and people who care for them.”

The Iowa Department of Agriculture asks that possible outbreaks be reported at 515-281-5305.

Is it safe to consume dairy products during a bird flu outbreak?

There is no concern about the safety of pasteurized milk or dairy products, according to the USDA. Pasteurization is effective at killing bacteria and viruses, such as influenza, in milk.

It is a longstanding practice, however, that only milk from healthy animals is allowed into the food supply, according to the release.

Although HPAI cases were confirmed in dairy workers in Texas and Michigan, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention continues to believe the threat to the general public remains low

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