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Exploring the Hidden Gems: Here Are The Lesser-Known American Jobs of 2023



Exploring the Hidden Gems: Here Are The Lesser-Known American Jobs of 2023

Which jobs are the least popular in the United States? Which jobs have the least number of workers working there? What is the average salary of such workers? Here we try to dig into this information.

People all over the globe flood to America in search of a livelihood. It proves to be a hub of opportunities, with growing technology at its support. However, while many people across the globe aspire to high-paying jobs in the United States, people only know just the tip of the iceberg. There are a handful of popular jobs in the United States that make people flood the country. However, not many know about the tremendous job opportunities that are hidden. 

Today, we aim to peep at the lower section of the iceberg and look at some of the least popular jobs in America. 

Digging the iceberg: Least common jobs in the United States
This data is in accordance with the newest estimates from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).

It is important to note that the figures demonstrated below do not contain the figures of the self-employed and the household workers.
Grab your regular mug of coffee and take a look at the list.


Wood patternmaker

As per the data, the least common job in America is that of a wood patternmaker. One may be surprised to note that a total of only 260 people are employed in the business across the country. 

As per the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), wood patternmakers are responsible for planning, laying out, and constructing wooden units that are to be used in creating sand molds for castings. 

The last decade has seen a decline in the field. The reason behind this decline in jobs is technological advancements. 


Clock and Timer Precision Technicians

The next on the list is the job of the clock and timer precision technicians. There are only 400 technicians like these currently employed in the field as of 2023. The average annual salary of these technicians is $52,840. The advent of smartwatches and high-end technology has led this industry to see a decline.

Farm Labor Contractors 

This is another field that is very less common in the United States at present. There are over 460 farm labor contractors at present in the country. The average salary in the field is $51,400. 

Furnace Repair Technicians

Here comes another less frequently opted job in the United States. This job has over 540 people employed at present in the United States. The average salary in the field is $49,900. 



It could come as a surprising piece of news that despite the high need, the job of prosthodontists is one of the least common jobs in the United States. The job of a prosthodontist is to treat facial and dental issues that involve restoring jaw structures and missing teeth.


Wood Model Makers

The next in the list are wood model makers with only 590 people working in the industry. The average salary of a wood model maker is $52,510. These workers are responsible for making use of their skills to model wood in the shapes desired. Such workers work in the construction or furniture industry. High-end technology has been replacing the jobs of such workers, thereby making it a less common profession in the United States.


Private Cooks

This field is also one of the least common jobs in the United States. There are a total of 740 cooks in the industry. The average salary of such cooks is $49,790. The demand for private cooks in the country is a lot, but still, it remains an unexplored field of profession in the country.


Dredge Operators

The next on the list are dredge operators. These workers earn about $53,700. There are over 940 dredge workers working in the United States at the moment.

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