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‘Em the Nutritionist’ on the best bedtime teas for alleviating bloating



‘Em the Nutritionist’ on the best bedtime teas for alleviating bloating

‘Em the Nutritionist’ on the best bedtime teas for alleviating bloating

In our series, ‘Self-care rituals with…’, influential figures in the wellness world share the daily acts they live by to thrive, and one thing Emily English – the Insta-famous nutritionist intent on demystifying wellbeing – discussed passionately with Bazaar, was her wind-down routine pre-sleep. In addition to her bath being hot and bed being cool, and the magnesium she ingests and applies topically, English “loves a good tea”.

“I like to make sure that my gut feels very settled and balanced before I sleep,” she told us, recommending a drink of fennel, dandelion, or peppermint tea to aid the process. All three herbal infusions have “gut-soothing, digestive effects,” she explained, adding that dandelion is especially brilliant for ridding water retention – “it helps you wake up feeling flushed through and refreshed”, while fennel “is really good for bloating”. As is peppermint.

glass teapot with golden dandelion tea on the wooden tableglass teapot with golden dandelion tea on the wooden table

Galina Burgart – Getty Images

But when it comes to mint tea, English has a key tip: “Peppermint tea in tea bags is much better than fresh mint tea, because the peppermint oils can be really antispasmodic for the gut, which really helps alleviate bloating.”

She incorporates this teatime ritual after bathing, and before getting into bed.

When it comes to her daytime tea consumption, meanwhile, the nutritionist is a fan of matcha – the green tea known for its high antioxidant content. Given that it’s caffeinated, she likes to have it after her morning walk, adding that sunlight first thing can help reduce the production of your sleep hormone. “A sunrise walk is basically nature’s caffeine, so I always try and ‘wait to caffeinate’.”

Naturally, English has further words of wisdom to share on the matter. She mixes her Jenki tea (“the best quality matcha in my opinion”) with an organic non-fortified plant milk. “Only because fortified calcium – and also calcium in dairy milk – will bind to the antioxidants in matcha,” she explained. So if you want to absorb all the antioxidants in matcha it’s worth taking note. “I opt for Plenish milk” – her favourites being the cashew and coconut varieties.

So if you’re looking to elevate your tea game, now you know how.

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