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Canadian Federation of Students Condemns Removal of Pro-Palestinian Demonstration at MUN



Canadian Federation of Students Condemns Removal of Pro-Palestinian Demonstration at MUN

The Canadian Federation of Students calls the removal of students involved in a pro-Palestinian demonstration at Memorial University over the weekend “unacceptable.”

Campus security called in the RNC Friday night after students protesting at the Arts and Administration Building refused to leave on their own accord.

Three students were escorted off the property without incident and now face a charge of petty trespassing.

The university says the students were given plenty of notice to leave the area after an inspection by the St. John’s Regional Fire Department found that the student encampment posed health and safety risks.

That isn’t sitting well with student representatives, who say they were unable to access the inspection report despite numerous attempts.

Federation Chairperson Mary Feltham accuses MUN of trying to silence the students who she says were peacefully protesting.

They say the events that unfolded over the weekend will not put an end to the demonstrations and continued calls for Memorial to disclose their ties to companies and weapons manufacturers.

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