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Beauty Bay Golf Course, Senior Men’s League, June 4, 2024



Beauty Bay Golf Course, Senior Men’s League, June 4, 2024

by Bruce Braun

“A shot that goes in the cup is pure luck, but a shot to within two feet of the flag is skill.” Ben Hogan.

Well, I can’t say I was surprised when I saw that plans for today’s senior men’s league were canceled. May was a wet month and June hasn’t really impressed yet. It’s always disappointing when golf plans get canceled but in the spirit of ‘good times are coming’ I felt compelled to send out our weekly newsletter anyway!

Keep in mind that if you are interested in the Falcon Lake trip on June 26th, please sign-up.  There are still a few spots left, but it needs to be finalized soon. Remember, it’s great course, you’ll be around good company and you’ll have the opportunity to play with a friend(s). Signing
up soon will also make it easier to get some car pools going.

Also, sign up soon for the season long match play event. There is still room for six more golfers and we’re hoping to have brackets set up by next Tuesday. If interested, contact Dan Anderson or Keith Lake.

The following was forwarded to me from BB senior league member Orlo Mejia. It’s from former senior league member Bill Kostick.  Here is Bill Kostick’s explanation about the belt. He asked that we share it to all.

Dear Orlo:

THE STORY OF THE BELT: When I was a kid, we loved watching wrestling on the worst cable known to man- CJBN. Last year, I stopped in at a pawn shop in Tucson and found the “BELT “. I couldn’t pass it up, bought it and brought it home.

Weeks later, I got in touch with Cubby. I insisted on getting together in Mesa. It was a Tuesday, the 26th of February. I told him I was coming and we were going to have lunch. 120 miles later, we met in a bar.

I took the belt along. After lunch, I took it out of the bag and gave it to him for a picture. We laughed like hell. I told the waitress that I was the former Champ, and typically, she believed me! Well Orlo, CUBBY WAS OUR CHAMP! Without him there would never have been what all the guys are so very lucky to have and continue to enjoy! CUBBY IS AND ALWAYS WILL BE THE CHAMPION OF BEAUTY BAY. The
story of the belt. Love you bud. I will see you in early July.

Sincerely, Billy K.

Despite the weather this week I will begin a multipart series that is based on the history of the gimmie. The entire article was sent to me by Dennis O’Sullivan. Thanks, Dennis.

Part 1: Gimmies.

“Short putts are the Bermuda Triangle of golf. Just ask Scott Hoch who missed a 2 foot putt to lose the 1989 Masters. Missing a short putt is like fumbling at the goal line, dropping a pop up for the final out, or driving across the country to discover Wally World is closed. It
is devastating.

Fortunately, amateur golfers have a vaccine for these blown putts, a get out of jail free card, it’s called a gimmie. It works like this. You are standing over a three foot putt to save par. Sweat is running down your back into your Tommy Johns and dread is creeping into your fragile psyche. You are agonizing over the proverbial question, Do I ease it in or ram it home?  Then suddenly you hear those magic words, “Thats good, pick it up.”  Accepting a gimmie is easy. Before your conscience sets in, quickly pick up your ball and slink off the green like a shoplifter exiting a convenience store.

On the other hand, conceding a putt is more complicated than judging figure skating. Is the golfer worthy? Is the ball within the so called circle of friendship or just a distant cousin? What is a reasonable distance? An arms-length? A size 12 golf shoe? The height of
your average circus midget? There is no definitive rule. It is an art.”

More to come next week. Have a good week everyone.

Looking forward to seeing you on the 11th. Until then, stay dry!

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