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Aquarius Weekly Horoscope



Aquarius Weekly Horoscope


The glamorous life has been luring you into its gilded realms ever since the Sun, Venus and hedonistic Jupiter slid into Gemini and your flamboyant fifth house last week. Welcome to Temptation Island, Aquarius, but lock down your Venmo account! A careful review of your budget is in order this Thursday, May 30, as a balancing quarter moon in Pisces gets centered in your second house of income. Entertainment and style are two of your favorite bedfellows, and who can blame you for spending a paycheck on weekend trips and retail therapy every now and again? While there’s nothing wrong with the occasional splurge, if “occasional” is becoming “chronic,” it’s time to curb your spending. But rather than make it about deprivation, motivate yourself to voluntarily tuck aside a certain amount every paycheck.

Of course you need a safety net, but setting some goals for specific expenditures can help you save even more. Figure out how much you’d like in the bank in six months, then work backward to determine an amount you can realistically have withheld every week. If you want a new car or down payment for a home, you might need to hire a financial planner or money manager to help you make sound investments. If you realize you’re not earning enough to make your target, find ways to monetize your talents, like helping people with social media or organizing their closets. The trick is believing you can do it.

Your indie-spirited worldview continues to expand on Sunday, June 2 when powerhouse Pluto in Aquarius flows into a rare and auspicious trine (120-degree angle) to abundant Jupiter in your fifth house of fame, flamboyance and true love. This, in fact, could be one of the luckiest days you have in 2024, especially if you’re willing to take a daring leap towards your dreams. Pitch, perform, present, pucker up! You’re utterly magnetic under this charmed cosmic confab. While Jupiter revs up your can-do spirit, Pluto helps to align the invisible forces of the universe, ensuring that the law of attraction is on your side.Which begs the question: What DO you want, Aquarius? Focus solely on that (instead of harping on what you DON’T want) because a clear picture is required to bring this into form. On that note, it wouldn’t hurt to create a vision board. The only catch? Pluto like firm figures, meaning any risks you take should also be calculated. A Pluto-Jupiter trine hasn’t happened since 2016, so tap into this high-power flow and get ready for rapid expansion. Don’t let the chance pass you by, because after this, these two power planets won’t connect like this again until 2028.

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