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“Absolutely Stunning” TTE Travel Trailer Has Been Found: I Love This Under-the-Radar Gem!



“Absolutely Stunning” TTE Travel Trailer Has Been Found: I Love This Under-the-Radar Gem!

“Absolutely Stunning!” is the phrase I uttered upon seeing the Terra Trek TTE for the very first time. It’s that sharp, equipped, and downright mean machine you see in the gallery. Time to explore the one and only camper from Australia’s Terra Trek.

Folks, I don’t expect you to know who Terra Trek may be. Heck, until today, even I had never heard of this crew, but boy, am I glad I did. That said, Terra Trek built just one unit, the TTE, and since this thing has a whole lot going on, I felt it might be a good idea to bring it to light.

But before I do, allow me to shed a bit of light on the minds and hands behind today’s magic. Overall, the internet doesn’t say a whole lot about this Australian crew; all we know is that they showcased the TTE prototype sometime back in 2017, some say 2016. Considering they’re still alive and kicking today and still selling a camper that resembles their earliest unit, we can deduce that this team is doing something right. Their Facebook page showcases just how many units they’ve messed around with; some even included a military style.

Well, that something is the TTE, and to help you get acquainted with what we’ll be talking about today, be sure to explore the images in the gallery. Oh, and since there’s so much going on with this beast, I’ll just stick to pointing out a few essentials.

Photo: Terra Trek Australia

Starting from the ground up, Terra Trek uses a cross-arm suspension equipped with Old Man Emu springs and a Nitrocharger—the same goodies my pops has on his modified 2007 Grand Cherokee—the one with that 3.0-liter Mercedes powerhouse hiding underneath the hood. Once a “floating” aluminum shell is placed on top, we can clearly see that the TTE is different from other campers on the market. The result is a unit that can handle insane stresses, torsions, and whatever your journey throws at you.

Terra Trek also makes a big deal of the fact that they separated the steel chassis from the aluminum body, resulting in that “floating” design I mentioned. This has been done to eliminate the possibility of stress fractures due to flexing and vibrations encountered. These two components are separated using neoprene body mounts.

All this brings us to the shell itself. Aside from being crafted from aluminum, Terra Trek continued to keep things as light as possible by using welds, glue, and rivets to bring the unit to life. Personally, I think it looks amazing!

However, looks are just part of the story. Like most Australian campers on the market, the TTE is heavily equipped to handle off-grid adventures. First and foremost, the rear of the TTE hides access to a massive storage bay suitable for gear, tools, foodstuffs, camping supplies, you name it. It even looks large enough to take refuge in in case a hailstorm hits your area.


Photo: Terra Trek Australia

Then there are all the storage lockers tattered alongside the unit. It’s here that we have space for features like gas cans, more tools and necessities, but also access to essential features like a galley, plumbing, and electrical.

Starting with the galley, it’s set up on a slide-out integrated above and in front of the port wheel, and while everything we’d need is already there, to your right, part of the TTE’s shell drops down to reveal a full-blown pantry with more cupboards than I could identify; I’m loving that.

At the front, the TTE showcases a wonderful nosecone storage box where we find inverters, power banks, a fire extinguisher, and above all, space for a massive fridge/freezer. If you want to go solar, you will need to grab panels as an option.


Photo: Terra Trek Australia

Finally, the right side of the travel trailer offers even more storage options, and the rear right corner is reserved for jerry cans. Hidden underneath the TTE and protected by steel, 90 liters (24 gals) of fresh water is available to future owners.

Last but definitely not least, the TTE hides one final trick up its sleeve: a roof-top tent. Yes, the tent you see in the image is included in the price tag of this camper, and that means a one-stop-shop for potential buyers, and frankly with a price tag of just $60,000 Australian ($39,900 at current exchange rates), how can you pass that up?! That’s what I thought.

But there is a catch to all this magic, and it has a whole lot to do with Australia itself. As a camper from a team that’s based in the Land Down Under, this beauty is only available to Australian residents. Yes, it’s a clear downside, but then again, I could use a change of scenery, wouldn’t you? After all, this is the beauty of using such a unit for adventures: one day, you’re over here, and the next, over there.

Enjoy the trips out there, and feel free to share your thoughts on this unit in the comment section below.

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