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A Father’s Journey: Navigating Mental Health Challenges – Your Impact



A Father’s Journey: Navigating Mental Health Challenges – Your Impact

The Family Navigation Project offers youth and their families important resources and support.

During another sleepless night, Paul found himself grappling with overwhelming emotions sparked by his preteen son’s behavior. Concerns for his son’s safety heightened as friends reached out, expressing worries about the situation. Paul knew he had to do something but was unsure where to seek assistance. He stumbled upon Sunnybrook’s Family Navigation Project (FNP) while scrolling and researching during one of those stressful late nights.

The sudden incident that led to a 72-hour psychiatric assessment for his son finally provided some clarity about what was going on – revealing that Paul’s son was exhibiting signs of oppositional defiant disorder (ODD). With tensions escalating at home, Paul knew further intervention was imperative. “It was a scary time for our family,” says Paul. After contacting FNP, he was paired with Naomi, a navigator who guided him toward the necessary and appropriate resources to help his son and their family.

Sunnybrook’s Family Navigation Project serves as a beacon for youth and families confronting mental health or addiction challenges, offering crucial support when it matters most.

I don’t know what we would have done without FNP,” shares Paul.

Since 2013, the RBC Royal Bank has been a champion of FNP, profoundly impacting the lives of young individuals facing mental health challenges and their families, through the generous support of the RBC Race of the Kids.

Two people share a hug.

The invaluable support received through Sunnybrook’s Family Navigation Project assists parents in accessing the right services and programs.

While his son underwent treatment, Paul and his wife got support too. They engaged in Emotion-Focused Family Therapy (EFFT), a model designed to restore connection and promote resilience in family relationships. Paul’s transformative experiences in therapy inspired him to pay it forward, now volunteering and leading workshops to support other parents navigating similar struggles. “Giving back as a parent to other parents is very important to me,” Paul shares, emphasizing the significance and benefits of aiding fellow parents to better understand their children’s mental health.

Reflecting on his family’s journey, Paul acknowledges the strain placed on both him and his wife. Balancing work responsibilities became challenging, necessitating time off to fully support their son. But the biggest change came from Paul shifting his thinking. “I had to take a look at myself, realize what I needed to work on so that I could be there for my son,” says Paul. He underscores the major shift he underwent, realizing the need to adapt his parenting approach and emphasize greater self-awareness. He credits the invaluable support and education he gained through the various services and programs FNP helped source, including intensive workshops and outpatient programs.

Paul’s journey highlights the transformative power of education and support offered by Sunnybrook’s Family Navigation Project – not only for youth, but also for parents dealing with the strain of mental health challenges within their family. Paul’s willingness to share his stories and emotions as a parent are testaments to the impact of seeking assistance and fostering understanding to better support children and youth experiencing mental health challenges.

Paul found strength and solidarity with other parents and the professional guidance provided by the caring people and programs he worked with, including Sunnybrook’s Family Navigation Project. He hopes his family’s story can be a source of hope for other families navigating similar challenges. Thanks to the life-changing impact of support, education and unwavering determination, those sleepless nights can lead to brighter days for Paul’s family and many others.

Over 1.2 million young Canadians face mental health challenges like anxiety, bipolar disorder, depression, and addiction. Join us at the RBC Race for the Kids on September 21 to support Sunnybrook’s Family Navigation Project, guiding youth and families to vital mental health services. Learn more and start fundraising today.

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