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Would you consider moving from B.C. to Alberta?



Would you consider moving from B.C. to Alberta?

Poll: Move out of B.C.

Castanet – | Story: 492066

A moving company says BC residents are leaving for Alberta.

Two Small Men with Big Hearts Moving says from 2019 to 2020, BC residents were moving to Alberta at half the rate of those relocating in the opposite direction.

According to its data, this trend continued into 2021 but hit a pivotal shift in the fourth quarter of the year, where numbers seemed to even out, with equal numbers moving between the two provinces.

This was significantly reversed over the next three years, with the ratio of customers moving from BC to Alberta hitting 1.57 to one by 2022, which has now increased to 1.81 to one.

“Long-haul moving demand grew by 47 per cent in 2020 and another 44 per cent in 2021. Even as the market slowed, interprovincial moving between BC and Alberta continued to grow by 21 per cent in 2022 and 23 per cent in 2023,” said the moving company in an email.

These trends highlight several underlying factors, including economic opportunities, lifestyle changes, and housing affordability.

Alberta’s appeal is growing due to its favourable cost of living, booming job market, and attractive quality of life. Conversely, BC’s high cost of living might be pushing residents to seek more affordable conditions in Alberta.

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