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Silent travel: life-changing or just another wellness fad?



Silent travel: life-changing or just another wellness fad?

Silence is hard to come by – especially if you live in a city. Whether it’s the dull, thumping bass drifting up from your neighbour’s speaker or yet another yowling catfight outside your window, finding a moment of peace and quiet often feels just out of reach. Even when you do find yourself in an unexpected moment of silence, it’s tempting to fill the void with the latest episode of your favourite podcast. But what if you’re on a quest to escape these distractions? Enter silent travel.

In recent years, there’s been an explosion of secluded retreats cropping up, offering guests the chance to cut themselves off completely from the outside world. The benefits sound enticing: lower stress levels, improved concentration and better sleep are among the many potential draws. In a world where a TikTok trend encouraging “silent walking” (or taking a stroll without headphones while paying attention to your surroundings) went viral at the end of last year, it starts to make sense why these retreats are booming. 

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