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Julia Louis-Dreyfus hits back at Jerry Seinfeld sans naming



Julia Louis-Dreyfus hits back at Jerry Seinfeld sans naming

Julia Louis-Dreyfus addresses the issue of political correctness in comedy which was previously broached by Jerry Seinfeld

Julia Louis-Dreyfus hits back at Jerry Seinfeld sans naming

Julia Louis-Dreyfus believes political correctness is a positive development in comedy which is at odds with Jerry Seinfeld’s views.

Expressing her opinion during a New York Times interview, the VEEP star said forming a sensitivity around certain topics does not threaten comedy.

“If you look back on comedy and drama both, let’s say 30 years ago, through the lens of today, you might find bits and pieces that don’t age well,” she said.

“And I think to have an antenna about sensitivities is not a bad thing. It doesn’t mean that all comedy goes out the window as a result.”

Hitting at the comedians who complained about the inroads of political correctness in the genre, Julia said, “When I hear people starting to complain about political correctness — and I understand why people might push back on it.”

“But to me that’s a red flag because it sometimes means something else. I believe being aware of certain sensitivities is not a bad thing. I don’t know how else to say it.”

The remarks are a far cry from her Seinfeld co-star who argued that extreme left encroachment has ruined comedy on TV.

“It used to be, you would get home at the end of the day and most people would say, ‘Oh, Cheers is on. MASH is on. Mary Tyler Moore is on. All in the Family is on,’” he told The New Yorker Radio Hour podcast.

“You just expected, ‘There’ll be some funny stuff we can watch on TV tonight.’ Well, guess what? Where is it? This is the result of the extreme left, and PC crap, and people worrying so much about offending other people.”

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