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Letters to the Editor — Domestic violence, contraceptives, judges, NTTA, cricket



Letters to the Editor — Domestic violence, contraceptives, judges, NTTA, cricket

Expose abusive environments

Re: “Raised voices are better than closed fists — To stop domestic violence, all of us must speak up,” by John McCaa, June 2 Opinion.

As someone who has researched and written about domestic violence, I appreciate McCaa’s timely column. Despite the many books, articles and other means of educating the public, domestic violence not only remains a scourge, but is rising to new heights, putting partners, ex-partners and children at high risk for injury or death.

McCaa rightfully demonstrates the complexities and fear that victims and at-risk partners face every single day as they negotiate their daily lives and strategize to escape. Sadly, and ironically, the most dangerous time for an abused partner is when they leave or are caught trying to leave the relationship.

If an abusive partner is capable of murder, it is at this time that their abuse will most likely escalate to that point. Therefore, it is crucial that we, as a society, are vigilant, that we refuse to blame the victim and that we expose abusive environments as early as possible. Domestic violence is an indicator.

Marsha Prior, McKinney

Fight for birth control

Being a person of child-bearing age in Texas has become dangerous, thanks to the overturning of Roe. Justice Clarence Thomas remarked after this reversal that the landmark case Griswold vs. Connecticut (ensuring access to contraceptives) should also be revisited.

The Senate GOP just blocked the Right to Contraception Act, which aims to codify an essential human right. Yet the fight must continue. Everyone should contact his or her legislators or else watch our state suffer irreparable damage.

Not only can birth control medications and devices assist with family planning, but they also provide critical health care to patients with any number of diagnoses.

Griswold vs. Connecticut was at its core about the right to privacy between a woman and her doctor when talking about birth control. Privacy around family planning is a core fundamental human right, especially in light of the reduced options women now have for care. Without access to safe, effective birth control, Texans will drop out of the workforce in record numbers, and the number of Texans living in poverty will skyrocket.

Samantha Mitchell, North Dallas

Activist judges are back

It’s been many years since I’ve heard the term “activist judges” in the news. Must have only been used by conservatives referring to liberal justices. In our post-Obama period, perhaps it’s time to resurrect this term because decisions from the Texas Supreme Court, the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals and the Supreme Court continually leave me incredulous.

Dwight Bartholomew, Northeast Dallas

Today’s Republicans

I have been a Republican voter, party member, precinct worker in two states and campaign contributor since 1956. I have suffered through Richard “I am not a crook” Nixon, Vice President Dan “Potatoe” Quayle and watched while our national “brain trust” saddled one of the most honorable men to serve our country with “Miz you betcha” from Alaska as his running mate, who (in my opinion) killed John McCain’s chance to be elected president.

Now, as I prepare to celebrate my 90th year on planet Earth next month, I contemplate (in awe and wonder) what this loyalty has wrought. I am being served by a governor who has, seemingly, declared war on women, whom he apparently considers too inept to determine for themselves what the best course of action is for their own well being.

The governor also appears to want our educational system to be accommodating for privileged white children. Don’t get me started on his solutions to foster care.

I am also blessed to be served by a chief law enforcer who is blameless and innocent of any wrongdoing. His cronies have voted on it, and assured me that it is so. There is a third member of this triumvirate, but I have no idea how he fits in.

Russell Marlett, Melissa

Still so few vote

Each election, whether local, state or national, brings a fresh sense of disheartenment. A small fraction of citizens is determining the fate of all of us. Most people simply don’t care. Writing letters to this paper encouraging these individuals to engage in the electoral process is like spitting into the wind.

These folks remain focused on their social media and the number of “likes” they receive for a recent post, while rule by minority becomes more and more entrenched in every area of our nation. Oh, well, I suppose one can say, “We’ve had a good run…”

Scott Kimball, McKinney

These are anxious times

So my doctor asked me if I was depressed or anxious during a wellness exam. I said, “Heck, yes. Take a look around.”

Barbara Bradford, Plano

Toll fees just a tax

Re: “NTTA overly harsh on drivers,” by Dave Lieber, June 2 Metro column.

I agree with Lieber’s column on the North Texas Tollway Authority. It is a great follow-up to The Dallas Morning News investigative series on the out-of-control toll roads in Texas.

I see that Lieber agrees with me that toll fees are a tax just by another name, as I mentioned in my letter to the editor that was published on May 22.

It is great to see Lieber has all North Texans backs as the Watchdog. Keep up the good work.

Richard Bach, Garland

Now for cricket rules

Re: “World Cup cricket comes to D-FW,” Wednesday Metro & Business photo package.

So, we are joining the World Stage for cricket. How about something in the SportsDay pages explaining the rules? Nice to know what I’m watching!

John Eggen, Wilmer

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