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The Third Sure Thing



The Third Sure Thing

They say there are only two things that are certain in life; death and taxes.  There should probably be a third added.  Pollen season.  Which is pretty much all summer.

I have no idea whether this is something that comes with age, or there is just more of it around, but it seems each year my allergies get worse.  A couple weeks ago, I felt my sinuses get a little raw.  Nothing major, although I did wonder if I was starting to come down with something.  Nope.  Just that lovely yellow dust that seems to be going around.

During the early part of the season, you tend not to notice it much.  Although I have seen some little bits of yellow around.  Nothing like what will be coming shortly.  So far we have only been getting a few of the trees, flowers and bushes that have started to blossom.  Next will be the pines and other evergreens.  That’s when the world turns yellow.  Or at least gets a yellowish glow to it.  And once that wraps up, there will still be weeds and other plants to take up the slack.

We could hope for it to not be as bad, or maybe take a break.  But as long as plants are going to try to make little plants, there will be pollen.  So not much chance of an escape from the stuff.

They say that periods of wet weather early in the season, followed by hot dry weather will likely make for a heavy pollen season.  And guess what they are predicting for most of the eastern half of the country this year?  If you guessed ideal pollen conditions, you would be right.  It looks like it could be a banner year for pollen.

Since it’s unlikely we’ll be able to convince plants to stop making pollen, I’ll just keep the antihistamines handy.  But indications are we will have a good year for pollen, which means a bad year for allergies.

All we can do is try to keep breathing.

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