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Trump is the right man for the job



Trump is the right man for the job

Letter to the Editor (Graphic Illustration/MetroCreative)

This letter is in rebuttal to “A Rebuttal: Part 3,” in the Sunday June 30, newspaper.

Yes, Trump removed a cache of top secret documents to Mar A Lago, which he, as president, had the constitutional authority to declassify and take with him. Biden hadn’t the authority to do so as congressman, senator or vice president, nor did Pence have the authority to do as vice president.

Trump’s cache of documents was stored in a secure room at Mar A Lago guarded by Secret Service agents and Trump’s private security. Trump did not have documents stored all over the place. It was the FBI agents who laid out the documents for photos and released them to the press to mislead the public. It was later determined Trump prosecutor Jack Smith “mishandled” the documents. Trump was never given the opportunity to return the documents before they were seized in the surprise FBI raid.

It was Biden who kept his “documents” he “stole” in three different locations, in Biden’s garage, in the Biden Wing at the Penn Center and at three different locations in Biden’s Delaware home. The FBI never raided any of Biden’s locations because he is in cahoots with his corrupt DOJ/FBI.

Trump’s lawyers are trying to delay his frivolous lawsuits until after the election, not because Trump is guilty, but because Biden is interfering in the upcoming election by attempting to keep Trump off the campaign trail. Trump’s convictions will certainly be overturned eventually in a higher court.

The mentioned letter contains too much fake news disinformation to comment on here, but Trump is a patriot who could have ended his legal “woes” by simply announcing he wasn’t running for president again.

If the writer of said letter watched the presidential debate, he is aware that Biden began babbling incoherently and at times lost his train of thought. Biden repeatedly told lies and debated so poorly many democrats and members of the press are calling for Biden to “drop out.”

Meanwhile, Trump clearly stated the facts and his vision for America’s future. Throughout the debate, Trump remained “presidential.”

For too many reasons to go into here, I wouldn’t want my daughter to date either candidate. Nor would I want her dating ex-president Bill Clinton. However, the upcoming election is about choosing the best man to lead America for the next four years, and that is definitely Donald J. Trump.

Steve Wolverton


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