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“What Else Was He Going To Do?” People Who Witnessed A Failed Marriage Proposal IRL Are Revealing The Chaotic Aftermath They Will Never Forget



“What Else Was He Going To Do?” People Who Witnessed A Failed Marriage Proposal IRL Are Revealing The Chaotic Aftermath They Will Never Forget

“The boyfriend goes down on his knee, out comes the ring, and he goes into his declarations of love and affection and rehash the last few years. It was a sweet proposal. She smiled and clasped her hands in front of her face, and said… absolutely nothing. 

We in the audience are all silent and waiting to cheer and applaud… but also waiting for her to say yes. It seemed like an eternity, but then the magician burst out with applause; he quickly guided the happy couple off the stage and announced, ‘She said yes!’ So we all cheered for the happy couple. 

What else was he going to do? They had great seats at a table, center stage, and down in the front, where we could see the happy couple and family. The poor girl sat by herself, and the dude huddled with his parents on the other side. I don’t think they talked at all for the rest of the show.”


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