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BC Wildfire Service ready for wind, dry lightning to spark new wildfires as cold front moves in – Kelowna News



BC Wildfire Service ready for wind, dry lightning to spark new wildfires as cold front moves in – Kelowna News

Wind, lightning in forecast

The latest forecast from the BC Wildfire Service warns that a cold front forecast to sweep across B.C. in the next few days could bring strong winds, pushing up the wildfire risk.

The windy conditions come in the wake of a high-pressure ridge that brought record temperatures to dozens of communities. That has compounded years of drought and elevated the wildfire risk across the province.

“Given elevated Fire Weather Indices, new wildfire starts are anticipated, particularly in northern regions. Although southern portions of the province will be less impacted by this weather event, the South and Central Interior may experience increased winds and isolated dry lightning,” says the forecast issued July 9, 2024.

BCWS is preparing to respond to new wildfires and increased wildfire activity. It’s asking all residents and visitors in B.C. to pay attention to local updates and alerts and adhere to all fire bans and restrictions, including those enforced by local authorities.

A campfire ban is set to take effect across the entire Kamloops Fire Centre as of noon Friday, July 12, 2024. “To reduce the risk of human-caused wildfires, additional fire use restrictions will be issued in the coming days,” noted BCWS in its forecast.

The fire danger rating in the Kamloops fire centre ranges from moderate to extreme, with a high rating for Kelowna, Penticton and Kamloops.

To report a wildfire, unattended campfire or open burning violation, please call 1-800-663-5555 (toll-free), *5555 on a cellphone or submit a report directly through the BC Wildfire Service mobile app.

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