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People Who Have Nannied For Ultra-Rich Families Are Getting Candid About Their Experiences, And Wowza



People Who Have Nannied For Ultra-Rich Families Are Getting Candid About Their Experiences, And Wowza


“Not me, but a cousin. She worked for a family with a 4-year-old and a 6-month-old. It wasn’t live-in, but it was 12 hours a day, six days a week. Both parents were very high-up executives and multi-millionaires many times over. She never once spoke to or even saw the dad, and the only time she spoke to and saw the mom was during the interview, where the mom’s assistant was pretty much doing all the talking by herself. After that, she was not supposed to look at or speak to the parents, only the assistant. She was to arrive at 6:00 a.m. on the dot and wait in the living room. The assistant would call her and tell her that the parents were out of the house and to start working with the children.”

“She made meals, taught, took them to the park and museums, and had a huge, generous budget for that on top of her pay. At around 5:45 p.m., the assistant would call her and tell her to gather her things, and she would leave through another entrance when she heard the main door. So, while the parents were cold and distant, she said the 4-year-old was absolutely lovely and sweet, and she had a lot of fun with them in the two years she was with them. She also made BANK; the parents and assistant ensured she was paid $2,000 weekly, with bonuses throughout the year. Because of them, she could pay off her car and student loans. They moved internationally, gave her a $5,000 goodbye bonus gift, and she never saw them again.”


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