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Beauty Bay Golf Course, Senior Men’s League, July 2, 2024



Beauty Bay Golf Course, Senior Men’s League, July 2, 2024

by Bruce Braun 

 “Of all the hazards, fear is the worst.” Sam Snead.


Well folks, it happened again. Another canceled Tuesday senior men’s league golf. Check between your toes for any early-stage webbing and tendencies to quack.

Today was supposed to be the memorial service. This will be postponed to another date. We will keep you posted.

Next week, July 9, will be our annual barbecue. Please plan to stay around after your game and enjoy what the chefs have to offer. Your membership dues cover your food costs but please patronize our wonderful clubhouse staff for your beverages.

Further into this month, we have the Kenora senior men’s league coming to BB to enjoy our good company and fine golf course.  Then, on Wednesday, July 24 we will be going to Kenora golf course to return the favor. 

Last week 23 men from our senior’s league enjoyed a Wednesday game at Falcon Lake. From what I understand the golf was terrific and that the mosquitoes were exceptional!  

I had this nugget passed on to me last week. A bit too late to include it in last week’s news but better late than never, right? Tom Kozak was having quite the round of golf last Tuesday. Shooting a 40 when you’re in the fourth flight is impressive. Add onto that the fact that he had 2 closest to the pins on holes seven and nine, plus one of the gentlemen in his group, a guest, was a powerhouse off the tee. Apparently, they only had 90 yards in on the 18th hole for their second shot!  These guys are good!

 For those of you who have hesitated to join the senior men’s league, or any league at BB for that matter, the overwhelming comment to not participating is the feeling that you’re not that good. I would like to suggest then that you wouldn’t be alone. I present to you the maintenance shed door near the 17th tee box.


See you next week. Toes crossed! 

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