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24 Regional Differences That Gave Americans Culture-Shock In Their Own Country



24 Regional Differences That Gave Americans Culture-Shock In Their Own Country


“In Chicago, we have lingo that only true Chicagoans speak, and when we use these words, people who are not natives or locals are puzzled. Grachi is garage key, sassage is sausage, da is the, soda is pop, over by dere is over by there (what over object it is), jeet yet is did ya eat yet, frunch room is front room, sneakers are gym shoes, down by da Jewel is Jewels grocery store, a Chicago staple, can I go with is I want to go too.”

“Past the circle downtown to the post office is traffic report for the circle or bowl, where 90, 94 and 290 intersect downtown with the connections forming a circle shape. Inbound refers to traffic going into the city, whereas outbound is traffic that is out of the city (you’d be surprised as to how many people, especially tourists, can’t figure this out). Our pizza is best when it is in a white bag with a picture of Italy on it, washed down with a cold RC pop. 

Finally, and this is a SIN: ketchup on hot dogs. Chicagoans consider this an act of inappropriate behavior of varying degrees, and you will get WTF looks if you are caught participating in such despicable acts. I live in Wisconsin and part-time in Chicago; I’ve always considered myself a Chicago girl and never fully a Wisco. Last summer, while attending an event at the United Center, I put ketchup on my hot dog, and it was delicious. Then again, I’m a Wiscagoan (a WI-Chicago blend), so I deserve a pass for that.”

—Dani, Wisconsin and Chicago

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